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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. I really like the Bud Grant one. Hopefully Cal's is just as nice.
  2. Stadium looks beautiful but first thing I noticed was how far from the field some of the seats looked. IGF looks far superior in that aspect. If the concourses were wider, IGF would be perfect IMO.
  3. Also, more in character, this game has the potential to ruin my whole weekend.
  4. On a related note, anyone else think the Bomber marketing department nailed it with For the W? My favorite since Game Day, We All Play.
  5. Me too, apparently. Is that legit, or did we all need to sign back up after a redesign or something? I can't remember...
  6. Might be off topic, but I ventured over there out of nostalgia tonight. Apparently there is one dude in there named Bennie Thompson that uses the forum as some sort of bizarre echo chamber. I think roadgriller is in on the joke, but one can never be sure. For someone like me that followed Colin (Mookie) from TotalCFL, it is a bit sad to see Ourbombers on its deathbed. Sorry...the recent influx of 90's bands touring the city has got me on a nostalgia kick. On topic...hmmm...Chris Jones is a dingus!
  7. This place is going to be insufferable for a few weeks while everyone competes for adoration and glory. *** LIKE IF YOU HATE THE RIDERS ***
  8. August 20, 2014 for me. Apparently I was more popular back when I was more bitter. Perhaps it is time for a return to form...
  9. I hear Jade Etienne's cousin Onyx is a real sleeper!
  10. Your guess is as good as mine — and both our guesses are as good as the one being made by Walters. Uh...no. A thousand times no.
  11. Is there any way to archive the chat transcript? The thing I enjoy about GDTs is that I can go back and read about events, opinions, reactions etc, as they happened during the game. A link to the transcript from a game after it is completed would be a fun read.
  12. Probably from the fact that a 61-yarder has never been made in a dome in the CFL. In history. Ever.
  13. I...I'm still livid. The worst part is I would love to be pissed at the D right now, but that final call won't let me. I can't even... Bah!
  14. D blew the game but coach blew our last chance to win it.
  15. The more I think about it the angrier I get. Before we een lined up to kick it I was screaming at the coach for being an idiot.
  16. The amount of bitching about an 11-7 season is absurd given what past seasons have been like. If we get blown out next week, this season still goes down as a huge success and will be the first bomber season I have enjoyed in a while.
  17. Would getting swept by Ottawa really instill confidence that we could make a run from the East?
  18. How...I mean why...like...what the hell...how did the refs miss that roughing the passer on Reilly?
  19. Bomber playoff games are historically poorly attended. I would bet 25K is a reasonable guess.
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