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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Any truth to the rumor that he dinks and dunks his way across the country instead of taking one long flight?
  2. Nope. They instead won in a similar fashion to how we lost. Huzzah!
  3. Any idea why the command center called down and corrected a meaningless spot in the Rider game tonight, but couldnt be bothered to do the same for the Bombers?
  4. Told the wife half way through the first quarter you could feel it slipping away already. **** this crappy mediocre excuse for a franchise. Which year was it where we started 4-1 or something and then nosedived for the rest of the year? It was a few years ago. This year feels like that one. Actually it feels a lot like the Jets last season. A turd wrapped in a mirage.
  5. Boy that country music outro sure gets me pumped up. Well done TSN!
  6. Hey guys, I think maybe BC sucks.
  7. Just caught the last few minutes on PVR. What did Campbell think the score was when he made that call. Might be the worst call I have ever seen.
  8. I thought you couldnt block towards your own goal line anymore?
  9. Jeremy O'day frantically dialing Ottawa's number...
  10. Jennings lighting it up. He is only two yards short of a cul de sac!
  11. The blind squirrel finds a nut!
  12. Literally every girl is with a guy that looks like they faked their Tinder profile.
  13. Saskatchewan: where they think beating the spread is what Gainer did to that stuffed lion.
  14. Is the board slow right now or should I blame Bell?
  15. Ottawa tackling like they are hugging their aunt at Thanksgiving
  16. Trash game is trash. Even a raccoon would having nothing to do with this.
  17. Did I just have a stroke or was TSN just playing with the brightness slider?
  18. Terrible game so far.
  19. What is with that one guy"s makeup?
  20. The spoon explains how he was able to be back at practice so quickly.
  21. My source (which is not Dr Zaius), confirmed the tased part at least. I have no info on who started the fight or how many were involved, though.
  22. By the way, if any Rider fans give you grief about this, just throw this gem back at them (which had the wonderful courtesy of coming out during the same news cycle): https://globalnews.ca/news/5667246/saskatchewan-roughriders-mascot-inappropriate-behaviour-stuffed-lion/
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