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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Disagree strongly. I think they both look amazing. Seeing the whole uniform with helmet on, I actually almost prefer the roads!
  2. Announced here: http://www.bluebombers.com/2016/05/11/the-new-adidas-look-has-arrived
  3. Melissa Martin is worth reading. The rest of the paper is awful.
  4. Could possibly also have to do with the fact that he was just plain brutal last year.
  5. Maybe it is the fresh spring air, but I am more excited for this season than I have been for a long time, even counting the year IGF opened. My nature demands that I assume I will be let down, but for now? Let optimism reign!
  6. Didn't see this one yet. I think the gold looks perfect.
  7. Ooooh. The color looks amazing in the picture. If it looks half as good in person, so far so good. Any insiders seen them?
  8. Another blow to the armchair accountants! http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/Costly-losses-340007732.html
  9. I will just leave this here. I wonder if Paul is going to post a follow-up. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2015/08/21/smallest-grey-cup-crowd-in-decades
  10. 210 Row 5, and I love the view. The concourse is too tight obviously, but the stadium has proved to be amazing for watching football.
  11. Seeing you guys bicker has quickly become the least interesting thing on this forum.
  12. Everyone is missing the bigger issue? Why does Hunt end every sentence in a question mark? As if he were starring in Clueless? Seems strange?
  13. Curious if Scott Mitchell was all over the Ticats when they had similar off-seasons.
  14. Great signing. Probably the only thing I didn't hate about the Riders.
  15. They were close with Burris too. I am hopeful, but cautious on this one...
  16. Are they pursuing NFL opportunities? I will take Dressler, please.
  17. Dear god Friesen... Paul Friesen ✔ @friesensunmedia It appears CFL commish J Orridge is more concerned about coaches moving for better jobs than he is about having a drug-free league. #Optics.
  18. The more I look around the new site, the more I like the new CFL logo. Standalone it looks pretty bland, which explains my initial "ugh" reaction to it, but seen in context with surrounding materials/colors/etc. it is actually pretty sharp.
  19. OK, I'll say it. The CFL logo is growing on me. That said, why no place for scores/upcoming games on the front page of the CFL site?
  20. Enjoyed the game last night, enjoyed the half time show, and I hope the Bombers make a pile of cash so everyone will stop complaining. This board is just barely worth coming to anymore with the constant whining. My Christmas wish is that the Bombers turn things around so that I don't have to feel like I am the only one I know that gives a crap about them anymore.
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