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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Who do I petition to make the cone of shame a permanent thing on this board?
  2. If any of this is true, should we be seeing some high profile releases in Montreal in the coming days to get them under the cap? "Consequences" and all that.
  3. Another vote for the Watchmen!
  4. Just watched the Toronto BC highlights. Holy hell what a terrible football game that looked to be. Also, Riders suck.
  5. The heritage classic was cheaper and I got two games for that.
  6. I thought it was as blatant as it gets.
  7. A coach already did. Didn't Nichols sit for Reilly even though they were winning?
  8. What a sequence by Muamba!
  9. I closed my eyes to picture it, but I got scared when I saw Mike Reilly in a clamshell "dressed" like the Birth of Venus.
  10. Can't help it. I think I am fundamentally broken. Glad that's over. Now, when do the Riders lose next?
  11. HH to Dunigan for having the balls to stick to his assertion that Adams should have high pointed the ball, even after the replay showed his head was being removed from his shoulders at the time.
  12. Yeah, this team is going nowhere again.
  13. Was it just me or was there a distinct lack of replays tonight? Fenner was called for Illegal Contact like 37 times, and I think they showed one of them.
  14. No. I can't take another year of him. Nichols was bad today. LaPolice was worse.
  15. As someone who thinks that "All I can say is that, I think if I was a Rider fan, my major concern would be that the team looks like they absolutely ****ing suck. That’s a 4 win team at most.", I am really getting a kick out of these replies...
  16. I don't like where this branch of the conversation is going.
  17. What is this argument even? "The only reason the Bombers won is because their good players played good". WTF?
  18. HH to Forde for bailing out Black when he couldn't tell Claybrooks and Nik Lewis apart.
  19. Masoli throwing like a rookie. Has he looked this bad all game?
  20. LOL @ this article: https://3downnation.com/2019/06/06/davis-riders-do-the-right-thing-by-not-providing-free-video-stream/
  21. Playoffs vs. exhibition, though.
  22. Just saw the ticket prices. Hard pass for me at those prices. To elaborate, I pay less for P3 Jets tickets than the P9 price for the NFL game.
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