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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. This site is turning into Riderfans. And, quite frankly, turning me off.
  2. RedBlacks are the most poorly coached team in the league by a large margin.
  3. Finally... this is actually something I can agree with. Some random fan watching the game on TSN, opining how much of a warrior he is because he took a sack and got up from it... not so much. This is such a random thing to have an argument about.
  4. That INT in overtime was beyond belief. For a guy in the league for that long...yikes.
  5. What did Tino do again? Lead a team to victory from behind? Right you are. You really are an obnoxious wolf in sheep's clothing.
  6. New rule: everybody please just shut up. Respectfully.
  7. No idea, but Rider fans who come onto Bomber forums acting like clowns shouldn't go throwing stones at Bomber fans who post on the Rider home forum. We all read what you have to say over at Riderfans about the Bombers. Don't come looking for sympathy and crying crocodile tears over here if a Bomber fan makes you look bad on your home forum. You come here all trying to give the impression that you're a nice guy but everything you say to Bomber fans and about the Bombers on your home forum is real douchebaggery. Own it. Perhaps what we write on our home forum isn't meant for your eyes. I did not just read that....did I?
  8. I think I just threw up in my mouth after watching that video...fricking Wiecek...
  9. The hate the media in this city has for the Bombers is bordering on obsessive.
  10. As good as Ford? What sort of bizarro universe am I living in?
  11. The more you have to deal with Rider fans the more you wish for bad things to happen to their players.Really? Some of you guys take things way too personal. If you weren't a Rider fan you would feel exactly the same way. You're one of the inmates in the asylum, of course you don't see how ******** you collectively are. Everyone else sees it though, No other fanbase in the CFL has anything but disdain for the Rider fan base. Y'all are annoying as all hell. To be honest if the Bombers were as good and successful as the Riders I'd hate you guys too. Problem is you're not. Good news though you guys are getting there. Barf.
  12. I actually think Grigsby has been better the last couple of games. Seems to be running harder inside than earlier in the season.
  13. I would argue the run defence is the subplot that the media has twisted into the main story. Special teams lost the game today. Offensive turnovers lost the first game. Run defence had a hand in the labour day classic, but they weren't the reason we had to comeback in the first place.
  14. If O'Shea had said he was worried, we would have won.
  15. It wasn't a late hit Tom - again, you're off. Proves what you said last week as well (about the non PI call) that you really don't know what you are talking about. I heard the whistle live. However, none of the players did. I've seen this kind of thing in the past - usually in the NFL the umpire and referee (as they are the ones close to the LOS) will both wave their hands and blow their whistles if the players continue to play - and if a player (QB usually) is hit when they are doing that, they WILL throw the flag for Unnecessary roughness. I heard a whistle but did not see ONE official - and I only heard ONE whistle, until AFTER the hit, then we heard them blowing it again. Too bad for Darian - but he kept playing if had just stopped and stood there chances are he'd be trotting off the field with the rest of his teammates. He kept playing, so did the bombers. It wasn't the CFL's fines moment but it was the OFFICIAL's error, not the players, hence no flag. Late hit - are you smoking crack when you're watching the game? The play is dead when the whistle blows. It doesn't matter who hears it and who doesn't. Hit the QB after the whistle has blown and it should be a roughing play. EVERY SINGLE TIME. BTW: It's Terry, not Tom. It clearly does matter. Being a contrarian for the sake of it is OK once in a while, but come on. Even most Rider fans agree it shouldn't have been a penalty.
  16. Unless I suck at teh twitter, Lawless has already written is off for both this game and a hypothetical semifinal.
  17. ...because Glenn is incapable of matching the 7-point output of the Great Lulay...
  18. Even the players like them better...
  19. What?I dont know if its grammatically correct. Lol.But both players are burried and forgotten and rotting on the depth chart.... well, like dead. lease on life?? I LOLed anyhow.....so great. This part of the thread totally bottled my mind.. That's a mute point.
  20. Seriously. How often have we been able to say that at the labour day classic? I have never seen a Bomber team pull out of a tailspin like that in Regina before. It was great to see.
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