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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Willy AND Glenn would be ideal, but I actually think Max Hall would be a reasonably reliable backup.
  2. I searched for "Willy Videos", and what I witnessed cannot be unseen. Someone will pay for this transgression...
  3. The problem with signing Glenn to help out Willy is that it relies on us getting Willy in the first place. Which, given how things have gone so far, seems like a long shot.
  4. Whatever your thoughts on Henry Burris, I don't see how the team continually losing out on coveted free agents can possibly be seen as a positive.
  5. Hopefully he more durable than Buck Pierce. Otherwise, with our o-line we will being seeing a lot of limp Willy.
  6. Trades with BC amount to: TO WPG: Banks, Foster TO BC: Pierce, Poblah I would take that any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.
  7. This is not the NHL. Right now we don't have anyone better. When/if we do, we can cut them. Why are people freaking out over this?
  8. The filling out of the management staff has me really optimistic that they will finally do the same for the coaching staff.
  9. This is complete and total speculation that it's Walters/O'Shea vs. Miller/Khari....ridiculous that we're treating it as fact. Well I'm glad you said it. Bugs me to no end that people are willing to treat this crap as fact. Isn't it funny how when it became apparent that Walters was the GM the rumours switched from Khari for HC to O'Shea for HC? Sounds to me like a lot of speculation prior to a GM being in place and once a GM was in place his choice is the front runner, is that not how it's supposed to be? But nooooooooo you all gotta be typical Bomber fans and run around like ******* talking about a conspiracy. So are you going to also say the search for GM was thorough and transparent process or that maybe, just maybe it was a one-horse race since Miller got the chair? and that has what to do with this silly idea that miller and walters are butting heads on a head coach? Miller is the CEO he can hire whoever he wants as a GM The point is, maybe Miller hired -- and likely, only interviewed -- the guy he knew he could tell what to do. I'm not buying that there's this big push back from Walters either. Frankly, I think Walters will do whatever the hell Wade tells him to do. OK, so Miller hired a puppet, or he and Walters are butting heads. It can't be both.
  10. Terry Dean. And Steve...something...here the same time Dean was here....dammit. Edit: Pelluer! Steve Pelluer.
  11. I'm curious to hear more about this once you translate it back into English. Stupid phone. I meant to say, Burke throws Ford under the bus after the game for the timecount, without mentioning that the coaches could have called a timeout if they were paying any attention at all. A coaches only job on gameday is to manage the game, and Burke is just terrible at it. Actually he couldn't call a time-out. There was a rule change for this season that a team can only call one time-out in the last 3 minutes of the 4th quarter. Burke had called a time-out with about 2 minutes left. It would have been a delay of game penalty if he had tried to call another time-out although that would have been better than a loss of down. We still had both our time outs.
  12. I'm curious to hear more about this once you translate it back into English. Stupid phone. I meant to say, Burke throws Ford under the bus after the game for the timecount, without mentioning that the coaches could have called a timeout if they were paying any attention at all. A coaches only job on gameday is to manage the game, and Burke is just terrible at it.
  13. Burke throws Ford need the bus on the post game show it out mni
  14. I wonder if Burke has a reasonable explanation for this. I have been asking for weeks why Goltz isn't in for both short yardage and red zone situations. It is borderline ludicrous.
  15. The fact that you say we "claim" to be fans implies that some of us are not meeting what your definition of a "fan" would be, which annoys me. Just because I'm not willing to let the Bombers run their team like garbage and be accepting of it does not make me any less of a fan. ok, lemme change the wording to devoted fan... better? thick and thin. i dont get how you guys can just walk away or turn it off.. It is cute how you think apathy is something one chooses.
  16. I was telling people at work today the same thing. This is the first time since I started following the Bombers closely that I felt...nothing...while watching a game. I was so detached, I might as well have been watching baseball. I took the dog for a walk in the third quarter. I have done it before, but out of disgust or anger. This time? I literally even forgot the game was even still on. My wife always knows to stay away from me for days after a Bomber loss, but this week she knew she was safe. When I don't even care enough to be angry/disappointed, you know it is bad.
  17. Bad sign that people get a whiff of this poo show and bolt. This season cannot end fast enough. not too swift on the uptake? he apparently has am NFL sniff and didnt want to commit to a 1 + 1 deal.. Oh sorry I missed that. Other then it being mentioned in this thread. Which is of course the same as official confirmation. no but i would believe this could constitute offical enough eh? Darrin Bauming ‏@DarrinBauming 18m Tim Burke confirms #Bombers let running back Bradley Randle go because he still has NFL opportunities and didn't want to lock up a contract. sorry if it contradicts your "bombers are such a mess!" bashfest.. The fact that this has already happened twice seems a bit...off, though.
  18. Did he actually say that? He knows we can cut anyone we want in the offseason, right? That statement makes no sense. It makes quite a bit of sense actually, so I'm glad Walters/Mack put the team in this situation. Use the leftover $$$ on guys like Etienne, Alex Hall, etc and give them bonus dollars to count against 2013 cap. Free up as much 2014 cash as possible for a guy like Collaros or some OL Fair point, assuming those guys are willing to sign before the new CBA. All the more reason, then, to play guys like Pencer to develop them now. If we aren't spending for today, let's at least develop for tomorrow. Speaking of the CBA, some modified form of RFA would be welcomed, IMO. Too hard to develop through the draft when a guy can just leave after two years.
  19. Did he actually say that? He knows we can cut anyone we want in the offseason, right? That statement makes no sense.
  20. Any truth to the rumour that practice this week is cancelled because Burke doesn't have the balls? I'll be here all week...
  21. Why does the media give Burke such a huge pass? I don't get it. Is it because he talks to them?
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