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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. For those curious about Miller, here is his CFL.ca profile page. http://cfl.ca/roster/show?id=89 Could this league get any dumber?
  2. Firing a GM mid-season makes no sense, unless you have a permanent replacement ready. What, exactly, is an interim GM supposed to do?
  3. Everyone is way too focused on the coaching and QBs, Until we can get a respectable o-line and a group of import receivers that put fear into the opposing DBs, we are sunk. My question: Why have there been ZERO changes to the o-line this year? Is that coaching, or do we simply have nobody better?
  4. Pierce has looked the same or worse all season (in fact, the past couple seasons). The receivers and o-line are garbage.
  5. Bums: Whoever was supposed to be "blocking" on that opening kickoff. What a terrible, terrible effort that was.
  6. Why did I think downing the football wasn't allowed in the CFL?
  7. I would seriously puke if Tillman was ever brought here.
  8. I'm seriously the only one that thought he looked ugly? Remember that game Joey Elliot got player of the week, and everyone was saying "yeah, but he should have had 4 picks". I thought it was that kind of game, to be honest. I need to see way more. Remember how good Troy Kopp and Ryan Dinwiddie looked in their first action.
  9. Dunn and McGee are supposed to be back, according to the Sun.
  10. Who is going to backup? Brink? Samcanadian?
  11. I would 100% support writing off the season to develop our next starting QB. Every year we try to "win" with Buck is a year wasted. It didn't work with Cleo Lemon, but you have to respect the Argos for at least trying.
  12. Add me to the list of people that Shankman has scared away. For calling Spuds a whiner, no less. We have called each other much worse in the past. Spuds: if you didn't see the post before Shankman deleted it, it never happened.
  13. Still say firing Berry when we did was a mistake
  14. Do not do an image search for "Goltz". You have been warned.
  15. I was going to say Matt Dubuc before I remembered he was actually an import. Repeat that in your heads: "Matt Dubuc was a starting import". Remember, things could always be worse.
  16. I still have wet dreams about Jay Walker.
  17. Because when Burris is good, he is really good.
  18. See, I noticed this too (mentioned on another site, was told I was being too picky). We look super ragged when we approach the line, as if nobody knows the snap count. All his comments point to a lack of attention to detail. Sounds like maybe Crowton is being indirectly blamed here.
  19. Buck is a big problem, but not the only problem. I have never seen a group of receivers look so ragged as they approach the line. The whole offence is way out of sync. Poorly prepared?
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