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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. I was going to say Matt Dubuc before I remembered he was actually an import. Repeat that in your heads: "Matt Dubuc was a starting import". Remember, things could always be worse.
  2. I still have wet dreams about Jay Walker.
  3. Because when Burris is good, he is really good.
  4. See, I noticed this too (mentioned on another site, was told I was being too picky). We look super ragged when we approach the line, as if nobody knows the snap count. All his comments point to a lack of attention to detail. Sounds like maybe Crowton is being indirectly blamed here.
  5. Buck is a big problem, but not the only problem. I have never seen a group of receivers look so ragged as they approach the line. The whole offence is way out of sync. Poorly prepared?
  6. I read it this morning and thought it was awful. He said the Montreal game was a must win because after that we have a tough schedule, and then proceeded to list essentially every other team in the league as evidence. Basically he said we need to beat Montreal on the road, because they are only team we are capable of beating. Which makes no sense.
  7. Coming from someone with a Pierce jersey, he is holding us back. Over the last few years people have been so worried about whether or not Buck was healthy, they failed to notice he has done very little even when he is.
  8. Game aside (our offense is terrible), the atmosphere at the stadium in the third quarter was like nothing I have ever experienced at a Bomber game. What a phenomenal place to watch a football game. Also, don't a burger in the upper concourse. What a gong show that operation is.
  9. Totally fine with this. Earlier games, established rivalry's.
  10. When they talk about players that are "worth the price of admission", Charlie is at the top of that list. It was worth going to a game to watch him, and him alone.
  11. No, the Internet just stopped us from viewing what turned out to be a snuff film. I think it succeeded,
  12. Not even raw rookies should sound this poorly coached, even in preseason. This is scary bad.
  13. Because they are basing their numbers on the data they have, which says Winnipeggers don't take the bus. Period. They were shocked at how well the fans listened to the message of "don't take your car" for once. My solution? No parking at the u of m, period. Designate a bunch of large, spread out lots, away from campus and run a **** ton of shuttle buses every 5 minutes. Or, failing that, teach the volunteers how to effectively direct traffic once on campus. Once you got past the bottleneck of idiots, there was open road all the way to the parking lot. Suggests things were not flowing correctly.
  14. I continue to be baffled by the assumption that a new stadium was going to mean instant sellouts. We are talking about almost 30,000 paid tickets to a preseason game, right? Which is about 6,000 more than normal?
  15. That guy is what will kill that site for good if they are not careful. Starts too many threads, all trash, and makes any other real content disappear in the noise. They need to do something quickly.
  16. ...I guess since they play in the nation's capital... Yeah, the all caps thing is dumb.
  17. My understanding was that they sold out quickly, and there is a waiting list.
  18. If you started a team today and called them the Blue Bombers, you would be laughed out of the city. It will grow on people, to the point where nobody will remember what the complaints were all about in the first place (assuming they last long enough for that).
  19. Oh, and I spent about 45 minutes in the upper deck, and didn't notice the military-grade wind machine the Bombers supposedly installed up there. Much ado about nothing, I am thinking.
  20. Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but I will post it here anyways. I checked out the stadium yesterday while picking up my season tickets. My overall impressions? The place is fantastic. I can't wait to watch a game there with the place packed with fans. It feels massive and intimate at the same time. I was struck by the shear scale of the structure compared to Canad Inns (as if they were going to finish it last spring!). There are some warts (shoddy concrete work in spots...perhaps weather related, some laughably bad obstructed seats, etc), but in my opinion those are minor issues on what is overall something we as Bomber fans are blessed to have been given. Side note: that "cable" railing in the first row of the upper deck that is giving people grief? I sat there (5' 10"), and I will gladly trade anyone for my seats if they don't want them. The cable is not an issue in the slightest. If you sit back and slouch in your chair, it is in your field of view, but no worse than a hockey cage/mask would be. You can either just stare right through it, or literally shift an inch in your chair to see around it. On the other side of the coin, there is a seat in the corner of the upper deck behind some plexi-glass abomination that has the most hilariously bad view you could imagine. You would need to pay me to sit in it.
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