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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Could you elaborate? I don't understand.Some Argo we've never heard of has a huge game Because Derek Jones got a start? Possible... Because that seems to be what always happens to us. All the stars align for us to have what should be a rollover game and then we get destroyed by the present day Rocky Butler. there could very well be a player on the Argos right now, that by tomorrow evening, Rod Black will like more than Bo Bowling and Branon London put together. Scary thought, "Welcome to the CFL __INSERT__NAME__HERE__!!!!"
  2. That is why this game is so important as a measuring stick. More so than last week's game. Previous Bomber teams would lay a guaranteed egg tomorrow.
  3. http://cfl.ca/article/bold-new-cfl-signature-uniforms-coming-soon
  4. “Our fans are absolutely going to love these innovative looks,” said CFL Commissioner Mark Cohon. “We respect tradition and our teams are very proud of our current home and away uniforms. But the CFL Signature Uniforms are intended to be bold and eye catching and push the envelope. And Reebok has worked hard with our franchises to deliver something really exciting.” TLDR version: These are going to be hideous.
  5. Honest question: why is everyone freaking out that these are turning out to be ugly? If you read the press release, Cohon and Reebok are all but stating that they were *intended* to be ugly.
  6. What, no love for "old boys club on Maroons road"?
  7. We dodged the Higgins bullet.
  8. I know this was meant as a joke, but surely you know that the issue isn't the "free" part. First, the service provided was essentially a shuttle service (Park and Ride), with direct routes to the stadium that aren't provided by the city's regular bus routes. Eliminating this service means people have to take a regular city bus, which from some locations is damn near impossible, and from others is extremely impractical. A system where the fans are asked to pony up the difference between what the Bombers are willing to pay and what the city is asking would be great, if it weren't for the fact that the city said a "pay" shuttle is not possible (for reasons that escape me now).
  9. Didn't see this anywhere. Thought it was simultaneously lame and cool. Will probably buy some if they are even half as good as Buck's chips were. https://www.coopconnection.ca/wps/portal/fclretail/FCLInternet/News/CoopNews/!ut/p/a0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOKNQgJDjdxMTQwsPM3dDDzdA_2MPAJ8jQxcDPULsh0VAVcp4JA!/?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/content+library/fcl+internet/news/retcon-pub+-+2014+game+day+approved+winnipeg
  10. Jaxon: Good idea to leave out the single point. Once we told him that not only do you get a point for missing a field goal, but that single point is in fact called a 'rouge', I suspect he will start to think we are punking him and bail on this board entirely.
  11. Is it too early to be whining about our DC who hasn't even had a chance to do ANYTHING yet with this new group of players? No.
  12. His comments scare the crap out of me.
  13. Are you comparing a bunch of no-name import rookies with 55 year old Henry Burris taking up a gazillion dollars along with their other older QB? I'm talking about a few people complaining after they signed Anton McKenzie. Apparently Ottawa has no budget at all yet we have an open wallet. What?
  14. cmon give the guy a chance. let see what he got during TC. I'm not talking about his OC talents...I'm talking about his crappy recruits he got them to bring in. Boltus was one...there was another one from Hamilton. A WR...I can't remember his name. You must mean Aaron Kelly, who was nothing short of amazing for us down the stretch.
  15. Serious question: based on what?
  16. Willy AND Glenn would be ideal, but I actually think Max Hall would be a reasonably reliable backup.
  17. I searched for "Willy Videos", and what I witnessed cannot be unseen. Someone will pay for this transgression...
  18. The problem with signing Glenn to help out Willy is that it relies on us getting Willy in the first place. Which, given how things have gone so far, seems like a long shot.
  19. Whatever your thoughts on Henry Burris, I don't see how the team continually losing out on coveted free agents can possibly be seen as a positive.
  20. Hopefully he more durable than Buck Pierce. Otherwise, with our o-line we will being seeing a lot of limp Willy.
  21. Trades with BC amount to: TO WPG: Banks, Foster TO BC: Pierce, Poblah I would take that any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.
  22. This is not the NHL. Right now we don't have anyone better. When/if we do, we can cut them. Why are people freaking out over this?
  23. The filling out of the management staff has me really optimistic that they will finally do the same for the coaching staff.
  24. This is complete and total speculation that it's Walters/O'Shea vs. Miller/Khari....ridiculous that we're treating it as fact. Well I'm glad you said it. Bugs me to no end that people are willing to treat this crap as fact. Isn't it funny how when it became apparent that Walters was the GM the rumours switched from Khari for HC to O'Shea for HC? Sounds to me like a lot of speculation prior to a GM being in place and once a GM was in place his choice is the front runner, is that not how it's supposed to be? But nooooooooo you all gotta be typical Bomber fans and run around like ******* talking about a conspiracy. So are you going to also say the search for GM was thorough and transparent process or that maybe, just maybe it was a one-horse race since Miller got the chair? and that has what to do with this silly idea that miller and walters are butting heads on a head coach? Miller is the CEO he can hire whoever he wants as a GM The point is, maybe Miller hired -- and likely, only interviewed -- the guy he knew he could tell what to do. I'm not buying that there's this big push back from Walters either. Frankly, I think Walters will do whatever the hell Wade tells him to do. OK, so Miller hired a puppet, or he and Walters are butting heads. It can't be both.
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