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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Imagine wishing you were as good as a team QB'ed by Patterson.
  2. Just tuned in. Those Argos kits are a choice...
  3. Any week where you add Myron MItchell is a week where you have failed as an organization. That is what every team that lost a close game to the Bombers said over the last few years (you know, when the Bombers were good). Good teams do enough to win the close games. Bad teams keep telling themselves they are close when they lose them.
  4. Is it me or is the CFL.ca website slow as crap this year?
  5. This is all the evidence i need to ignore Pro Stats Canada from now on.
  6. Oddly, every loss is starting to numb my reaction them. As a fan who takes losses personally, I am finding I am starting to get over them a lot quicker each week. Which is healthier for me, I guess. Once I get to PVR and skip through territory, that is when the team should start to worry. Not there yet...
  7. All this talk about Kramdi or Bighill being "fine". Since when is that good enough? Are we happy with fine? If you can replace a guy with one who is 10% better you keep doing that until you are kicking everyone's ass on a regular basis. Fine is for losers.
  8. McCheese crapping the bed all but guarantees no changes on D for another week.
  9. Someone on HFBoards coined the term "Fort Hubris" and I am shamelessly stealing it.
  10. Bring in Lapo as an offensive consultant! I think I might actually be serious...
  11. Big meh to Lucky. The way his last seasons have gone he will just get hurt and we are back to square one anyway.
  12. Only punter in the league who could catch his own punts
  13. If McCheese was even halfway decent today we get routed.
  14. That ball. As in the INT. Eat it and and kick your 3, IMO.
  15. Here comes the bend for the losing field goal!
  16. Remember what I said about other QBs spreading the ball around better?
  17. Why was everyone watching instead of rallying to the ball there?
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