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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. If I was Brady I would feel betrayed to be honest.
  2. 2022 I was depressed. 2023 I was angry. This year I feel literally nothing. Fire Buck Pierce.
  3. For the crime of ignoring his MOP, Buck Pierce needs to be fired into the sun. For the crime of choking in the Grey Cup again Zach can go with him.
  4. Can set your watch by it. Collaros in the Grey Cup is an embarrassment, glove or not.
  5. Massive coaching failure today. Absolute atrocity.
  6. Fire Buck Pierce. My god. First throw with a glove and they go long? Dumbest QB and OC alive
  7. Lucky did us the courtesy of getting us all the way to 27
  8. Pick 6 coming up to seal it.
  9. Collaros and Buck shitting the bed in a Grey Cup: name a more iconic duo
  10. I said the Argos would get 24. What do I win?
  11. I repeat. This is a Toronto D that has been lit up the last few weeks.
  12. How do we seriously have a rookie QB in and don't give the ball to the MOP? What is actually going on?
  13. Wilson in and Buck decides not to run. What. An. Idiot.
  14. Should be Jake in, I'm sorry.
  15. **** off refs and CFL you stupid dinks! Let's go finish this!
  16. Typical Argos garbage. That never gets called. Ever.
  17. ****. Right. Off. That is a horrible call in a game like this. Fix is in.
  18. What the heck was the flag?
  19. Someone make a damn play.
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