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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. No argument. By every measure we have been the worst team in the CFL so far.
  2. Found it at Hamilton Food Store in Westwood. They import a lot of stuff from the States. It wasn't cheap. I want to say $20+ for a 12 pack but my wife bought it for me for father's day so she was coy about the price.
  3. This is 100% true and super bizarre when you put it that way.
  4. So far 8 teams have looked competent at a minimum and only one has looked completely inept.
  5. I can confirm that Dr Pepper Creamy Coconut is delicious.
  6. Did half the crowd leave after the 50 concert?
  7. I have an update: Adams is still annoying.
  8. They got to the 7, but failed to punch it in because they didn't even threaten to run so Ottawa shut them down.
  9. People seem to be forgetting that he had better protection and healthy receivers last year and had a LOT of games where we noticed the same troubling signs.
  10. I am also not sure why you can't mourn the loss of something just because you saw it coming. We are all Bomber fans here. This season hurts so far.
  11. In hindsight I think they knew they might need both attempts. The short yardage was anything but a gimmie.
  12. You have been around long enough to know better than that.
  13. More variety and execution on the Als first drive than I have seen from the Bombers all year There is almost literally nobody at that game.
  14. I think everyone is negative now. We just can't agree on what to be negative about!
  15. If only we had spent the last couple of years building depth.
  16. Osh looking at his closet in the morning: "They are all starters"
  17. Based on how many running attempts we had they clearly don't think he is...but started him anyways.
  18. Those saying we would be better off with a duo of Brown and Streveler, be careful what you wish for. Buck has so far shown he has no idea what to do with Strev, and his idea so far is to get him to repeatedly dive up the middle into a limp pile.
  19. They probably ran the ST drills with 56 players aside given how many they kept around so long.
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