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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Those saying we would be better off with a duo of Brown and Streveler, be careful what you wish for. Buck has so far shown he has no idea what to do with Strev, and his idea so far is to get him to repeatedly dive up the middle into a limp pile.
  2. They probably ran the ST drills with 56 players aside given how many they kept around so long.
  3. Guys, guys, you are doing it all wrong! Bitching is only cathartic if we do it together. Also this is more passion than I saw from the team today!
  4. As punishment for the play of basically the entire team, Nik Ehlers has been benched.
  5. MOS completely insufferable on the CJOB post game. Ugh.
  6. Wilson and Mitchell are Joe Mack level. Wheatfall looks good.
  7. Bad roster. Bad coaching. Against all odds we had a chance to win it and pissed it away. This is not a good football team right now, and we aren't a move or two away from being one either.
  8. Back to back sacks on attempted deep routes incoming. Oof. True.
  9. TSN lying that Ottawa hasn't been getting a lot of pressure.
  10. The further Buck gets from Lapo's tenure, the worse the offense gets.
  11. CFL Twitter with 0 posts about the delay. On top of it as usual.
  12. You would think a quick game could counter some of this. But we seem allergic.
  13. The d line pickle we are in was so obviously predictable it isn't even funny
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