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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Depends what you mean by "it".
  2. Man I hope Hamilton is out to lunch with his talk of an all Canadian interior on the D line.
  3. There is football in 10 days!
  4. TSN Executive: I'm sorry everyone, we can't show CFL preseason ths year because we are already carrying the Blue Jays game. Intern: *whispers" TSN Executive; We have FOUR channels?!
  5. The fallout from this isn't over. Pinball, the Argos and the CFL are getting absolutely dunked on Twitter right now. This might end with more people losing their jobs.
  6. Can we all just agree that Kelly is a wiener and the league is better off without him? TSN (and the league to some degree) both look like idiots for forcing him on us as the new face of the league, when everybody could tell something like this was the inevitable conclusion.
  7. Not sure if this is posted anywhere but if anyone wants to see Sam Roberts (and more) on Canada Day, the Bombers are hosting and tickets are free. https://www.bluebombers.com/canadaday2024
  8. Remove the "Stone of Jets Playoff Disappointment", attach the "Stone of Bombers Playoff Disappointment"!
  9. Whelp, results aside (the problems this team has have been and will be beaten to death), my boys had a blast at the game yesterday. The crowd was into it so they got the full whiteout experience, and my older son especially couldn't wipe the grin off his face for most of the first period just looking at the spectacle of it all. From that aspect, last night was a success.
  10. I don't know any of the players we drafted. I almost don't care who we drafted. But I am so ready for Bomber football it isn't even funny.
  11. Just tuned in to check the progress before leaving for the Jets game. ONE PICK?!?!?
  12. I know my dad is missing a place to get a good rouladen.
  13. Anyone try Sam's on Ness?
  14. I was reading the parentheses as College, and was wondering where Hodge University was.🤦‍♂️
  15. I am actually taking my boys to their first whiteout, so I just have to accept it for the experience and try not to get too annoyed at the game. I hope for them that the crowd is into it so they can get a real taste of the whiteout.
  16. I don't know. The characters look blah. Traditional animation is so much more vibrant and expressive. Disney needs to go back to their roots. Or at least make it more cartoony if they are set on CGI.
  17. Nah, unfortunately I am a true sports fan. Anger will slowly turn to hope over the next couple days, and the cycle repeats.
  18. I agree with this. Chevy has done a great job building the team he wants to build, but we need to see what someone else can do.
  19. I'm actually annoyed that I have tickets
  20. When someone repeatedly shows you who they are, believe them.
  21. I have nothing to add other than I have been laughing about Kelly being referred to as "Chode" all day.
  22. Never. Toronto can go 100 more years and that still wouldn't be enough.
  23. Such an absolute loser of a person.
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