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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. O'Shea dresses an extra lineman, only for it to be a converted Kramdi. Heads explode.
  2. I asked this earlier, but can you challenge a facemask? It's bad enough that the refs missed Bradys head getting spun around, but even worse if our coaches missed it.
  3. This team has lots its edge. No way does a real contender lose in OT to Crum and Dolegala. I still hate giving up that point. Before it even happened I said to my wife "just watch...monster punt, give up the single, field goal, lose in OT". The D just has a knack for crapping the bed at the worst times....3 times now in the last 15 games if you include the Grey Cup they had the win with a stop. And that is with the offense playing like hot trash in those games. Plus the special teams are an embarrassment. I realize I am ranting and that this is partially therapy for me, but we are seeing some awful signs lately and NO signs of trying to fix them.
  4. Definitely deserved to lose that game. What a joke of a game against a trash team.
  5. Risking OT though. Run that to the 20, get a couple first downs and they are in 3 down territory.
  6. What is the command center good for if they can't eject a guy for that trash.
  7. Another horrible kick cover, another field goal. The reason they are up.
  8. Riders beating us with field position FGs right now. Special teams need to be better.
  9. As much as I dont want to go back, Lapo and Nichols would be leading this game right now. Ball control for field goals and field position.
  10. Bombers clearly not focused enough at the moment. Too many needless mistakes.
  11. I dont like that argument. A win today and a fluke next week and they are 2 points behind us with the series.
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