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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Bombers need to wake up. Labour day or not, the Riders are garbage.
  2. That is absolutely bullshit. I don't understand roughing the passer anymore.
  3. When Geebrr is on the toilet, every day is labour day.
  4. Imagine as a fan needing to put your hopes in CoFaj every week. Jesus
  5. What was with the Als olineman casually sauntering around while Cody was fighting for yards? Also, Cody sucks.
  6. As much as i think Kelly is a dingus, this is actually good news.
  7. Hoping for a win and expecting one are two different things. I suspect some are conflating the two.
  8. The fact that anyone, in the political or business world, takes Ramaswamy seriously is depressing. That guy is so obviously and conpletely full of ****.
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