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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. That deep shot to Whitehead looked like procedure to me.
  2. This is as healthy as we are going to be. No more excuses! If we get trucked, will there be any fallout? McCrae returning punts scares me. He looked shaky until Parker replaced him last week.
  3. Barring an absolute collapse we are going to host a playoff game this year. The only question is which one.
  4. And he blames the receiver for that duck too. Soft serve
  5. Was Bane just shouting "they can't cover me" after a TD in garbage time of a thrashing?
  6. Expanding when the existing teams aren't healthy seems like the dumbest thing ever to me.
  7. As bad as the Riders have been, if Morrow doesn't fumble on the goal line, this is a game.
  8. Dinwiddie taking that holding penalty reeks of arrogance to me. Can't wait for the Argos to get punched in the mouth.
  9. That last hail mary by Fine actually made me snort laugh.
  10. Remember last off-season when we all laughed at them for every OC turning them down? This is the result.
  11. Adding that book to my queue. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Hate not trying to win there. Kneeling with time left burns me.
  13. I disagree with this. Collaros has so far shown he is at his best in good weather. I would take BC in a domestic any day.
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