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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Dyson iso-cam'ed, Awe celebrated.
  2. I quoted who I intended.
  3. Lol. Augustine the sacrificial lamb at this point.
  4. Hope Bailey is OK. Him and Schoen would be tough to replace.
  5. Could take Wolis spot eventually. He strikes me as a guy that has so many other interests he might just up and retire one year.
  6. Really sucks to develop Brown only to lose him, but he ain't passing Zach in the next couple years.
  7. Augustine always driven back on contact where Brady pulls guys with him.
  8. Nielsen and Suitor haven't figured out basically the entire Bomber defense is stting, have they?
  9. Leave Buffy Alone ! - Kevin Klein, probably
  10. The game is infinitely better if you imagine Dakota yells "Prukop!" in a high pitched voice every time he throws the ball.
  11. When is the last time there wasn't a single meaningful game in the final week?
  12. Was gonna say, can the teams mutually agree to just pack up and leave?
  13. Bombers: Let's take a look at this receiver prospect for next year. Also Bombers: Put in guy who can't pass.
  14. Biopic of his life starring Sandra Bullock: The Downside.
  15. Why is every late season game in Calgary like this?
  16. Augustine gets League of their Own'ed straight to the showers.
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