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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Bombers: Let's take a look at this receiver prospect for next year. Also Bombers: Put in guy who can't pass.
  2. Biopic of his life starring Sandra Bullock: The Downside.
  3. Why is every late season game in Calgary like this?
  4. Augustine gets League of their Own'ed straight to the showers.
  5. Prukop runs backwards way too quickly when there is pressure.
  6. Prukop might be bad at throwing. I'm mad about the Grey Cup all over again.
  7. I did not come home from kids soccer to settle in with a beer to watch PoopCrap. Is Dru coming back in?
  8. Not a country music fan at all, but Chris Stapleton coming to Winnipeg as the only Canadian stop on his tour is pretty cool. That guy has one of the best voices in music, IMO.
  9. Thought that was a good 2 periods, minus two shifts in the middle of the second.
  10. I have this weird feeling we will be seeing Calgary on the 11th.
  11. Why does the cfl site say 6:30 PM for the West Final? https://www.cfl.ca/schedule/2023/ Please tell me they didn't push it back because of the Jets game.
  12. I hope not, only because I don't want to have to cheer for Buck to fail.
  13. Two kids in hockey is Jet season tickets.
  14. Mostly it was our punting and kick coverage that were the issue, though.
  15. We lost the Grey Cup last year because of poor field position all game, and the problem has actually gotten worse this year. Change my mind.
  16. Please be Lapo, please be Lapo...
  17. One of my favourite concerts of all time was Our Lady Peace and Tripping Daisy at Le Rendez-Vous. The crazy thing? It was supposed to be a triple bill with Blind Melon, but obviously that didn't happen since the singer took his own life.
  18. Just logged on to buy my tickets for the West Final. Holy hell, are they going fast.
  19. Really seems like the Refs are calling the standings here.
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