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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Mccheese looks terrible
  2. Stamps marching, DD overthinks it and wastes a down.
  3. The good news is we won a Grey Cup with basically that receiving corps (plus a declining Darvin Adams)
  4. West final would be 4 weeks post injury. Is an ankle that requires a boot even healable in that amount of time?
  5. Doesn't sound like a maintenance day to me.
  6. I googled MCL injuries right after it happened, and 4-6 is about as good as we could have hoped for.
  7. I think that means he isn't playing, but what do I know.
  8. "Let that sink in Toronto"... WTF does that even mean? Are we supposed to be proud the Jets are drawing flies? Is TO supposed to be embarrassed that the Leafs outdraw the Argos? I is confused.
  9. Has anyone in the media even asked about Schoen? All I have seen is "not at practice".
  10. I totally agree. The point I am making is that if people are having trouble selling even those tickets on the secondary market for Bomber prices (which they are...I am a season ticket holder and so far I can't even give them away), what does that say about about how the fan base views the Jets? Do the fans hate the organization that much? Is it really all down to the perceived entertainment value vs. the Bombers? Or do we just not have that many hockey fans? Bomber walk up tickets for the same price (or more) are selling. Jets tickets are not. This thread has derailed a bit, but the comparison to the Bombers is at least somewhat topical.
  11. Could have picked up tickets on the secondary market for as cheap or cheaper than a Bomber game. Season tickets, the price argument holds water, but for single games these days it is pretty comparable. St. Louis on Oct 24, I can sit in the upper deck for $33, or the lower bowl in the attacking zone for $99.
  12. I think he means plan something else (because he will be sure we don't have a game).
  13. All we need is to lose this one, only to have the Stamps eliminated and we face Tommy Stevens in the last game to run all over us.
  14. I keep going to the same boring game, over and over. Feels like other fans have just wisened up faster than I have...
  15. Was at the Jets game tonight. Every time I go to a Jets game, I wish I had gone to 3 Bomber games instead. Maybe I just don't like hockey as much as I thought I did.
  16. And to Dolegala, who hasn't won since. And to Powell, who has since moved to third string. Montreal beat them handily under the same conditions. But as Noeller said, I don't trust this years team.
  17. If Schoen is out, I am even more terrified to be honest. The way Zach has been playing this year, Dalton out means more forcing it to Lawler who hasn't been all that open this year.
  18. I 100% think they could. If Trey Ford gets hot, we have shown we can easily **** the bed against running QBs. I am terrified of having to go into Calgary with first place on the line.
  19. I think success is on a knife's edge for the team right now. If they run it back I fully expect them to be fighting with Edmonton for a playoff spot next year. They need to make at least a couple upgrades on OL, DL and linebacker.
  20. I get actual anxiety listening to him.
  21. Did you read the article? They were talking about this year!!! As in, after Labour Day!
  22. "Not long ago, Saskatchewan was viewed as a legitimate Grey Cup contender" LMAO
  23. I have been singing "Don't F- This Up" to the tune of "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen in my head all day today. I have issues.
  24. This board will be a better place when the Argos lose in the East final.
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