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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. So far it is looking like Winnipeg Riders Everyone else
  2. Reading a thread on Suitor's anti Rider bias on Riderfans is proof we are living in a simulation.
  3. Hot take alert: Agudosi is a giant nothing burger. Flame away.
  4. That Grant return looked like Bo Jackson in Tecmo Bowl with the green jerseys diving everywhere. The replay is up.
  5. Just watched the game. Offense great. Secondary stunk. Refs worse.
  6. The Riders being indignant about the most innocuous pizza trash talk of all time makes me hate them even more.
  7. Just got off the ice. Thought I would check the score. **** you CFL.
  8. Stinker of the week, brought to you by Boudreaux's Butt Paste.
  9. What a horrible sequence of plays as far as execution goes.
  10. Interesting. So almost White Lotus-style I guess.
  11. I am tempted to refer to him as Regular Harris in all future posts.
  12. Started watching Silo on Apple. Intrigued so far. It helps that I just came off seeing Dune and it has the same actress. I know I already recommended it upthread, but Beef on Netflix...watch it.
  13. And look how little vertical content I get on Desktop. So bad.
  14. Whelp, so much for Caleb Thomas. And look! More DBs! https://twitter.com/DTonOB/status/1668261958078849024?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
  15. This isn't really related, but I thought it was time for everyone's yearly reminder of one of the best commercial's ever made. Play this in Calgary and Toronto until they get their **** together.
  16. Fajardo was terrible, and somehow Arbuckle was worse. Oh god. Why did I go to Riderfans? They think they can trade one of their QBs for a starting olineman.
  17. I dont mean to alarm anyone, but Arbuckle might be bad.
  18. This Kenzie seems like an upgrade over Claire Hanna, if only because I can watch her without getting motion sickness.
  19. The flyout schedule on the CFL homepage shows a May 22 ex. game for no discernable reason, and has the home team wrong in the season opener. And on the Bomber site it shows 1 game, and that's it. It is 2023. Get your **** together CFL. And the arrows on the main page to navigate the schedule make no sense! Go backwards then forwards, and it skips a bunch. And it defaults to a game from 3 days ago. Wtf? As a software developer this **** infuriates me.
  20. I blame Oshea. You put Brown in 10 minutes ago and hand the ball off for a quarter, this ends in a snoozer.
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