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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Wtf was that Gainey
  2. Kelly is a weird dude.
  3. Argos the team of destiny this year.
  4. Cheering for Fajardo is the worst ever.
  5. MTL starting to fold
  6. Faj is the worst
  7. If only Miller were healthy all season.
  8. Everyone keeps saying Jackson is useless, but I sure see his number a ton as Brady runs through a hole he is helping to create. Maybe anybody could do what he does, I don't know, but useless seems harsh.
  9. I love Brenden Dillon and that article just reenforces why. The other players quoted had a hint of qualification to their answers, but not Dillon.
  10. Reality: Bombers sign receiver to PR Media: Roooouuuuuuuuuuuurke!!!!!!!
  11. The hockey idea that the captain needs to be your best player is weird. That is never how I grew up in amateur sports, and even the Bombers had Thomas as their defensive captain in 2019(?) I think it was.
  12. "Where in the rules does it say it has to be a CFL player?" - Farhan, probably
  13. We all know Farhan is suggesting this because he thinks VAJ would get to go.
  14. If he only wears pants on occasion, you want to make sure you maintain CONSTANT eye contact.
  15. The way Oshea deploys these vets you would expect him to recruit from the Swiss Army instead.
  16. Serious question (with no judgement) for everyone here. As a healthy 40-something with kids, is anyone planning on getting the booster for either them or their kids? I had the first round of 3 shots, and the kids have the first 2 themselves, and nothing since. We all had covid since our last shots which is one big reason we didn't bother with a booster.
  17. You can't? What about the West final against the Riders? I don't think they were particularly "on" in either of the last 2 Grey Cups either.
  18. I find the narrative hilarious that because Dolegala is so tall, head contact with the hands must be intentional or somehow more egregious. To me, guys are used to having their hands up to knock down passes and against a QB who isn't a freak, those hands would go right over the QB's head. You guys need to get rid of Marshall. That guy is a giant suck and I suspect a horrible leader. He is all trash talk when he makes his one play every few weeks, but shuts down completely when he is getting beat.
  19. Sea Bears. I hate basketball and will go back with the family next year.
  20. Those 2 OT losses go the other way and we are coasting to 1st like the Argos. In theory, might be better off not to?
  21. Toronto schedule has been laughably easy so far.
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