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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Horribly coached game on both sides.
  2. Why pass twice? Now Ottawa has time
  3. That tackle by Santos Knox was insane.
  4. What a dumb call. The needed more than a hard. Way too risky.
  5. Just call Collaros "Don Homer"
  6. That was fun! Lawler is the best receiver in the league, and it isn't particularly close.
  7. Kicking game has them starting at midfield every time we score.
  8. There was absolutely nothing dangerous about that play
  9. Don't you have to pull him down for it to be a horse collar?
  10. Decent drive. Showed we can move it on them. Lull them to sleep and them bam! Deep shot.
  11. So is Lawler hurt already? Edit: nope.
  12. He is moving early constantly
  13. Other than the deep shots we haven't got much going on offense.
  14. We recovered it anyways. Weird.
  15. Why is there a flag on every second play?
  16. That deep shot to Whitehead looked like procedure to me.
  17. Going after Kramdi so far
  18. You know who didn't bobble punts? Parker.
  19. This is as healthy as we are going to be. No more excuses! If we get trucked, will there be any fallout? McCrae returning punts scares me. He looked shaky until Parker replaced him last week.
  20. Barring an absolute collapse we are going to host a playoff game this year. The only question is which one.
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