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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. 28 minutes ago, greenrider55 said:

    There’s a good video of it on Twitter. I was at the game so I saw him do it, but didn’t see much after… it’s Micah Johnson who immediately was dumbfounded. Unbelievable stupidity.


    17 minutes ago, Booch said:

    But then in the aftermath was beaking off like the rest of the rider trash...

    Yeah, to me it looked like Micah was trying to say Zach took a dive (hence the WTF reaction)  rather than being disappointed by what Robertson did.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    Story is getting more juicy, apparently their is video footage. 

    And I can't believe Tony Khan went on tv saying he was scared for his life.   Way to make pro wrestling and mainly himself look like the biggest wimps.   CM Punk the guy who was mocked for being absolutely embarrassed in the UFC and also for losing fights to wrestlers like Teddy Hart.  The guy  putting Jungle Boy in a head lock equals this guy being terrified?   Yikes I can't imagine how he would of handled being to an ECW show back in the day.      He runs a wrestling company where people are smashing each other in the head with chairs and where everyone is supposedly "tough" and yet a small skirmish in the backstage makes this guy scared for his life.   That's embarrassing.   





    Have you seen Tony Khan?  A good stiff breeze could take him out.  As shitty of MMA fighter as Punk was, he would still have zero issues beating khan's ass.  The reports are Punk went after him during this incident so yeah I have no doubt he was scared.

  3. 8 minutes ago, deepsixemtoboyd said:

    So you’re saying even if you don’t use your challenges during the regular game time, they don’t carry over to overtime?

    They were out of timeouts in regulation and since they couldn't challenge anymore, there was nothing to carry over.

    Might have been different if they ended regulation with a timeout but they didn't.

    Just the way I interpret the rules anyway.

    8 minutes ago, deepsixemtoboyd said:


    **Double post**

  4. 1 hour ago, Brandon said:

    I'll be curious if he retires or goes back to the WWE or if they would even want him back?

    I doubt they want him back.  I believe he still has a number of people there who really dislike him.

    If this was the WCW vs WWE era, I could see it. Both companies would take any chance they got to bury the other but the WWE and AEW don't have that same heated rivalry.

    That said, it's wrestling so never say never.  If they feel there's money to be made, a deal might get done.

  5. On 2023-08-31 at 9:08 PM, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Why are all these refs leaving mid season? I thought working together to develop chemistry with all the official's teams was important. Why wouldn't they retire after the season was over?

    Foxcroft says it's because the league goes from 6 crews to 5 after this weekend.  He said he felt it was the right for him to leave rather than have a newer ref sent back to USports when they could use the CFL experience.

  6. 1 minute ago, Brandon said:

    Wasn't the reports coming in that Jones / McAdoo had Tre Ford as the 3rd best QB despite reporters and others saying that he was the best in practice?

    Not sure what reports said that but Jones himself said Ford wasn't as good in camp/practice so he hadn't earned a shot yet.

    “He’s a good player and I’m not trying to be a smartass but that’s the facts, I’m not gonna hide from it. He didn’t come back to camp and he didn’t perform as good as he did a year ago,” Jones told the media in Edmonton.


  7. On 2023-06-12 at 9:49 AM, bigg jay said:

    And that that was their best shot at a home win for a while - they did the guaranteed win night against the Riders for a reason.  They have some winnable games but they need some luck and way better coaching/qb'ing.  

    I could see them going winless at home until week 12 when they play Ottawa (they host Toronto, Hamilton, BC & the Bombers before that).  


  8. 7 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Before ECW, the WCW had a Cruiserweight Division where Eddie & Chavo Guerrero wrestled. As did Chris Jerico, Juventud Guerrra, Dean Malenko, Psychosis, Billy Kidman, Rey Mysterio & others.. There was high flying action. The WWF (at the time) preferred the bigger wrestlers. The smaller performers seldom made the roster. The Guerreros, Dean Malenko, Kidman, Rey Mysterio & jericho all had success in WWF.

    Nope, ECW was first for most of those guys, then they went to WCW. 

    Benoit did work for WCW for a couple months in 1993 before going to ECW in 1994 while Kidman never worked ECW.  

    Benoit, Eddie and Malenko all jumped to WCW at the same time in 1995.  Psicosis came/left ECW later that same year.

    Rey was ECW late 95 to early 96.

    Jericho & Juventud were both in ECW in 1996.

    WCW didn't do much with their smaller guys until mid-1996 when Bischoff saw what ECW was doing.  He changed the name from the WCW light heavyweight weight division to the cruiserweight division and started signing those guys away.  Prior to that, their light heavyweight title had been inactive since 1992.

    WWE was no different, it wasn't until others had success with guys who weren't the huge guys we were used to seeing, that they realized there was money to be made there.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Nolby said:

    I sincerely screamed when Duval hit that winning field goal, I was jumping around like it was the Bombers who finally won.

    It's right up there with the Kerwin Bell clip as something that always brings a smile to my face.  I can watch those over and over and never get tired of it.



  10. 19 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    What is the relationship between Jameer Thurman & James Butler? Farhan Lalji was interviewing them both aftet the game & he mentioned something about them being together but never went into it in any detail. Akll Lalji said that when Butler signed with the Ti Cats then Thurman wanted to play there as well. Thurman played Mac with the Stamps & was a major loss for the team when he left. He was their best player on defense. 

    They are close friends - same age and both are from Chicago.

    "He’s one of my best friends. Like we talk often, even throughout the season. Every off-season, we’re together almost every single day. Our relationship is very good, and it’s been more than just football,” countered Thurman. “The conversations we have, just talking about life, different business opportunities, jobs outside of football when that time possibly comes, but we also enjoy each other’s company and have a lot of fun together.”



  11. 56 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I've watched wrestling for a long time but I was never into that bloody style of pro wrestling that ECW was about back then. Steve Austin & Chris Jerico also wrestled for Heyman in ECW.  I don't like a lot of the gymnasic moves you see now where the wrestler about to receive a bump just stays in position until the blow is delivered, It seems to me the AWA & WWWF oldtimers back in the 70's & 80's seemed to have better timing & sold the moves a lot better. Today, it's all about kicks to the head or what Finn Balor does coming off the top rope jumping on an opponent's stomach. Or high flying spots. I guess that's what the fans want so the wrestlers give it to them. 

     Should probably meet be this to the wrestling thread but ECW had everything, not just the hardcore stuff.  The hardcore stuff definitely differentiated them from other companies but so did bringing in Lucha guys and giving "smaller" guys a chance (Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero for example).  They changed wrestling in North America.

  12. 1 minute ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    He would have been pretty old by then. Man, some of the bumps those guys were willing to take.. Bats wrapped barbed wire. Jumping off structures 30 feet off the ground. The fans were bloodthirsty. 

    He was an ECW OG.  He won their championship on their first ever PPV in 1997 at the age of 53.

    He certainly changed his style as he got older.  He had more of a traditional style earlier in his career and went more hardcore as he aged & wasn't able to move as well.


  13. 3 minutes ago, Jpan85 said:

    Won the heiseman the following year was a pretty much average QB at that point in 2018

    Going 10-3 in the SEC with a Bowl win in his first real season is nothing to sneeze at.  It's certainly not as good the year he had the next season but that one would be hard for anyone to match (15-0, national championship, Heisman).

    Sask did take him off their list before the 2018 names were released so it might not be the worst use of a NL spot I've seen. 

    Hamilton having Jalen Hurts on there, after he had spent 3 seasons shattering records at Alabama might be worse.

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