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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. 6 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    And fans from other teams think our team is cocky? Sure we are & we earned the right to be that way but we don't do things like that. If they did, I'd be disappointed. You're right these punks learned nothing. What a joke. Show some class. Too much to expect. 

    Well, if we're talking about then guaranteed thousands of viewers watching thought the same thing. So, no matter what they meant it to be then that's how it'll be remembered. Great look, Lions. You look like assclowns. 

    During the game they talked about Ryan Phillips encouraging that stuff and told them he'd cover any fines they get.

  2. 43 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    So hypothetically Winnipeg could deal Brown's rights in the off season for draft capital. How does the 2024 draft look and what do you think we'd get?

    I was thinking about this too. 

    BLM essentially cost Hamilton a 2nd round pick, a 6th round pick and they moved down a couple spots in round 1.

    If I'm KW, that's the minimum I would take.  I'd rather have Brown than Broken Bo at this point in their careers.

  3. 20 minutes ago, M.O.A.B. said:

    If they cut him loose, most likely he will be back here. 

    Prior to last week's game, there was an article where he talked about how he enjoys playing here because it's like home and he still gets love from the fans.

    The article was mainly about how he's been banged up this year... not enough to go on the IR but enough that it's affected his performance and that he has to be careful.  Wonder if he got further injured against us & that could be a reason for the tweet?  



  4. 9 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    So we’ll try this question again, but I’ll throw out another new one for this week:

    What is your favourite (or in your mind the best) opening riff in rock music history?


    I don't think I could pick one... if I had to do a top five, which is still tough to do, I'd go with (in no particular order).

    Stairway to heaven

    Iron Man


    Sweet child o' mine

    Smoke on the water.

    I could swap a couple of those out easily and put in songs like Purple haze, enter sandman or smells like teen spirit, depending on what era I'm wanting to listen to at the moment.


  5. 6 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

    1. Increased playoff attendance

    2. Less games = more incentive to do a better job with concessions

    3. Not all of those games are turning a profit. Have Fewer games and run them more effectively

    4. A better product, due to improved weather, will eventually increase TV revenue

    The bombers had 30.3k for the west final, higher than any non-Rider game all season. 

    You figure they should cancel up to 3 regular season games at an average of 28k for max increase of 3k for one playoff game?

  6. 58 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    Google?  They have dozens and dozens of articles about gender identity and cultural self identification.   You find me one article in which they present the story of someone self identifying as something other then biologically what they were born as in a negative light.   Every article I've read is in a positive light which isn't necessarily a bad thing for the most part but in certain situations (such as the controversial shops teacher who identified as a female and came to school wearing a completely in appropriate outfit and body suit)  that I find ridiculous.  

    Long and skinny of it,  Klein can self identify as Metis and CBC shouldn't be investigating or putting him in a negative spotlight because that goes against what they normally do.    If he were to do that then shouldn't they criticize everyone and anyone else who identifies as a different gender as well?  It's a double standard.   CBC should be reporting the news and allow the public to form their own opinion and shouldn't be slanting a news story for their own agenda.   

    I'm sure the vast majority of the public can see through Klein's lame attempt similar to when Brian Bowman used the Metis card.   We don't need the CBC to go on a hunt to try to bring the guy down.   


    Where was your fake outrage when CBC ran a story like this on Sherri Rollins a few years go?


    And let the Google record show (since that seems to be your answer for finding evidence), that CBC, along with the Free Press, National Post, CTV, Global and the Winnipeg Sun (amongst others) are all covering this.  This is not just some CBC witch hunt.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Wideleft said:

    From today's paper:

    "Klein also read what he said was an email he had received from another brother supporting his claims, but said his brother did not want to share his identification."  https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/2023/07/31/cabinet-minister-stands-by-metis-heritage-claim

    No one is harder on Pretendians than First Nations and rightly so.

    But keep digging.  You might meet up with the hole that Kevin Elvis Klein (again, why the name change?) has dug.

    Both brothers have been identified in the media, not sure why the Free Press isn't.

    From a CBC article posted yesterday,.

    "He also produced an email from his middle brother, Duane Rout, who said he believes Klein has a Métis status card, but was silent on whether he agrees their late mother is Métis."


  8. 27 minutes ago, Brandon said:




    Legit bad ass in real life,   it's unfortunate that he didn't get a WWE run in the 80's.  

    He didn't get the call to go to New York but he was the inspiration behind the "Adorable" Adrian Adonis gimmick.  The WWF just toned it down some... Adonis was a pretty tough guy himself, at least until drugs/age/lifestyle caught up with him.

  9. 8 minutes ago, JCon said:

    Mea culpa... I should have known. 

    3DN seemed to stick to their story a bit when Cui's comments came out - they pointed out that they had several sources confirm their information was accurate, so who knows. 

    Playing Devil's advocate, Cui might be spinning things and not being entirely truthful - after years of promoting fights, this should come naturally to him now!  By saying his hands are pretty much tied, it gives him an out as to why they aren't doing anything.  They made one nothingburger move with McAdoo to make it look like they are trying but are they really?


  10. 39 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Just off the books entirely. Let them, and the new coach, hire the staff they want within the yearly ops cap but outgoing not count. An incoming coach shouldn't have to shorten his bench or hire the old coordinators just because of the cap. It cheapens our product. Look at Edmonton. It is a direct result of awful coaching partly due to Jones not being able to choose his guys and have a full coaching staff.

    Chris Jones is the sole reason there is an Ops cap so he has nobody to blame but himself.  If you're going to let him off the hook here, what's next?  Another secret stash house for extra players not on the books?  

    I feel bad for Cui because he inherited that mess but their BOD should be given the axe since they started the tire fire by signing a guy like that to a long term deal while still paying the previous coaches.  They should have waited for Cui's hiring to be finalized & allow him to hire who he wanted.   I do think the Ops cap should have some tweaks to it though. I don't think it's fair they get fully guaranteed contracts while players don't so make it a similar scenario.  Only partially guaranteed contracts if you meet certain criteria, otherwise the team is only responsible for the current season.  

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