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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. 20 minutes ago, Bubba Zanetti said:

    He did. He actually won the Baltimore Ravens kick returner job out of camp in 2018 but had fumblitus and was released. What i didnt know is he was also in Hamilton's training camp in 2019 but was cut there too lol.

    Yeah they kept Frankie Williams over Grant.  Williams won the league award for ST player of the year so it's hard to argue with their decision.  I'd say it worked out for both teams, especially us! 

  2. 11 minutes ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

    Wonder if this still around?

    They've moved but look to be still in business:


    Another Thompson pizza option in Winnipeg is this one:


    Looks like Jack Colombe (the guy in the first article) is responsible for both restaurants.



  3. I really hope Twitter figures it's **** out soon but I'm not holding my breath on that.

    Per Herb Z: "I’m told LB Brian Harelimina, released by #AlsMTL last weekend, is being signed by Saskatchewan"



    In  related Riderville news, a bunch of their are not doing so well after the last game. 

    Per Jamie Nye after hearing that Albert Awachie, Frankie Hickson, Juwan Brescacin, Jayden Dalke, Nick Dheilly & Lake Korte-Moor are all banged up:

    "OOOF --- that's a lot of Canadian depth. And they have ONE backup on the practice roster to play specials (and the guy they've reportedly signed from Montreal) The rest of the nationals on the practice roster are the Regina Thunder players."



  4. 7 minutes ago, Mr. Perfect said:

    I know he's been an all-star before so perhaps I'm in the minority in this thought but I've always thought Joel Figueroa to be very average at best. Gets his doors blown off way too often.

    Has he been an all star?  He was BC's team nominee for MOL (low bar on that team) but I don't recall him getting named an all star?

  5. 11 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    What I see in Kelowna is a lot of young folk "driving while high".  You can actually smell the cannabis wafting out of cars when you stop for a red light.  I don't know if this generation is any smarter, they've just replaced booze with drugs.

    Definitely not a new phenomenon. People have been driving high for ages so it's not a matter of replacing one with the other and it's not exclusive to a specific generation.




  6. 32 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    Jones does have their cap all messed up. I think he’s doing 3-4 jobs for the elk. If a team fires a coach mid season it’d be nice if they gave some flexibility to bring some one in mid season to fill some role. A contract like jones could be a nightmare to replace mid season. Unless maybe they get some of the pro rated remaining cap back. 

    Yeah it's tough. You're almost forced to elevate an existing staff member if you want to make an in-season change   ironically, he's the reason the coaches cap exists in the first place. 

    He has the player cap maxed out too, it's why they had to cut Castillo.  They spent too heavy on receivers so even if MBT was available, i don't see how they could afford it.

  7. 26 minutes ago, Deiter Fan said:

    Foxcroft literally said they reviewed every block for a violation...lol. What a scam. Call a penalty on a player not on the field then review every play to see if there's someone you can pin it on.

    It's always been the policy to review the entire play in a challenge.  

    From the rulebook:

    When a play is challenged for either a coach challengeable penalty or a standard reviewable aspect all other appropriate Standard Reviewable Rulings will also be reviewed.

  8. 1 hour ago, wbbfan said:

    They fall to 0-4, jones gets fired. Cui brings in plop to hc/gm etc and plop gives mbt major money to come to Edmonton.  Then the elk rise up above the riders and battle for a cross over spot. 

    Don't see it happening, at least this season.

    If they can Jones, because of the cap, I'd guess Geroy would assume full GM duties and someone like McAdoo would be HC for the remainder of the year.

    MBT is under contract in the AFL until the end of September so he wouldn't be up here in time to salvage anything for them.

  9. Just now, Bigblue204 said:

    What has Jones done since winning a grey cup with a team he didn't build?

    Notable achievements:

    1) be responsible for the CFL implementing a coaches salary cap

    2) having the CFL's first stash house for extra players

    3) quitting the riders a week after signing an extension

    4) quitting his "dream job" with his high school alma mater after 1 game.

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