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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. 2 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    this feels like a really big loss to the off-field product. This kid is/was SO GOOD at everything he did. We had the best social media content in the league because of him. Hope they can find someone even half as good to fill the role........

    we'll definitely miss you, @rileymarra!!


    Huge loss for the team and fans.  Riley always put out great stuff.

    Maybe the team looks at stealing Nik Kowalski back from the Lions?  IIRC he kinda studied under Riley while he worked for the Bisons and he has been putting out some nice stuff on the left coast.

  2. 1 hour ago, wbbfan said:

    He uses the bonus cap a lot for late season additions, and in the case of last year moving future cap hits to a previous years bonus cap. 
    The cfl cap isn’t by any means the nba in terms of complexity but Walters plays chess while most of the league plays checkers with the cap. 

    Yeah, looking through that series of articles and comparing what each team is doing (at least as it relates to the highest paid players), Walters has us paying out the least in bonuses (about $125k) but still being middle of the pack when it comes to how much hard money has been paid out ($2.53 million).

    Obviously it's not a complete picture of a teams total payroll but  here are some numbers for those interested:

    Least hard money paid out:  BC - $2.32 million

    Most hard money: Hamilton - $3.11 million

    Average Hard Money: $2.61 million

    Most bonus money: Montreal - $539k

    Least bonus money:  Winnipeg: $125k

    Average bonus money: $295k

    Weirdest salary spending: Montreal has the most number of players listed (20) in that series of articles so they are spending a lot but I'm not sure they're seeing a lot of value.  They have 5 of the top 20 highest paid RB/FB's which seems pretty excessive to me but I guess when you have Faj as your QB, the passing game probably won't be your strong suit!


  3. 5 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    I don't know...I mean it could...but it doesn't have to. I have been in many cities with very nice pedestrian overpasses. I can't see why they couldn't build something a little nicer than that.

    You're right they could probably come up with something a little nicer looking but safety would definitely have to be factored into the design (the city learned that the hard way at the Millenium Library a few years ago) so it wouldn't be an open concept like they've provided.  


  4. 10 hours ago, Brandon said:

    I've read the article over a few times,  all that I've seen is him saying that he was disappointed with the presentation that was given to them on Friday based on the lack of details on the construction costs and what they plan on doing for the underground portion.  I didn't see anything about the future public engagements and him complaining about it?

    He's conflating two different projects so yeah he's going to be disappointed if he's expecting information that was out of scope for this one.  


  5. Reading that article confirms for me yet again that Browaty is a clown and has no idea what he's talking about.  

    There are essentially two separate projects happening at the same time: the repair of the membrane and the potential redesign of the intersection.

    The city knew they would have to tear up the intersection to fix the membrane so since it will be out of commission for a while, they are using it as an opportunity to look at making changes to the design.  It's a rare occurrence of city trying to get two birds stoned at once.

    Browaty can be disappointed all he wants about the lack of info on the underground but that's not what the upcoming public engagement is about.


  6. 7 minutes ago, bearpants said:

    I'm hoping it means maybe he's football smart but not exactly book smart... I do agree that not being academically eligible for college sports does seems like a red flag. 

    I'm hoping it's this.  In one of the earlier Free Press articles, he mentioned that that when he left Winnipeg to go to prep school, it was an adjustment for him but once he got the playbook down, his play took off.  Demski also mentioned, in the same article, that he understands football real well but even if he doesn't get it immediately,  practice rosters are great for development.

    Obviously going to the pro level will be an entirely different beast, but hopefully with time, he'll be able to live up to his potential.


  7. 21 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    Does he still have USport or NCAA aspirations? If so, he can't sign an official contract correct? So if he goes on our practice roster, he loses that eligibility correct? I like the idea on him being on our pr, working with the club, being mentored etc but wondering if its possible.

    Seems not paying him is a potential loophole:





  8. 4 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    They started them, and Joe Clark as leader of the opposition lobbied Trudeau to get rid of them and he refused. They were not abolished fully until 1987 by Brian Mulroney's PCs. So yeah...they definitely get their share of the blame, especially into the modern era when they still refused to close them.

    There sure are. I have heard and been witness to several apologies. Harper's was excellent, the Pope....well he apologized, the Anglican church apologized....haven't heard a Liberal apology yet...just saying.

    Harper's speech said nothing about apologizing on behalf of the Conservative Party, he apologized on behalf of the Canadian Government.  


    Therefore, on behalf of the Government of Canada and all Canadians, I stand before you, in this Chamber so central to our life as a country, to apologize to Aboriginal peoples for Canada's role in the Indian Residential Schools system.



  9. 33 minutes ago, blue85gold said:

    Local kid (only 19) trying out for the Bombers as a territorial exemption. 

    Mekhi Tyrell, anyone know anything about him?

    Drew interest from the NCAA but had academic issues.



    Getting attention from a perennial powerhouse like Alabama isn't something you see every day so I'm very interested in where this goes.

    BC & Edmonton were also in the mix to get him as a territorial recruit it seems:




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