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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. 4 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Huh? We're not allowed to chirp? 

    As much as I loathe Rider fans and yes we have way more cups than them, I wouldn't expect them to sit back and take it from us. That would be weird.

    It's called rivalries for a reason.

    All in good fun of course.  🙂 

    Who said stop chirping?   It's just not very effective when your team isn't exactly the model franchise for success and only got into the playoffs by the skin of their teeth.  

  2. 36 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Yep laying off 6000 people tends to bring quality control down. Weird that the number of new subscribers is way up since his takeover. Morbid fascination I guess.

    Or they are just allowing more fake accounts.  There's a lot of complaints about the bots so there are a lot of posts like this all over twitter lately:




  3. 1 hour ago, Mark F said:

    I do not want to go anywhere in the United States.


    "A woman in Hebron, Washington County ended up in the wrong driveway while searching for a friend’s house, and was shot to death, investigators said.

    HEBRON, N.Y. -- A woman looking for a friend's house in upstate New York was shot to death after the car she was riding in mistakenly went to the wrong address and was met with gunfire in the driveway, authorities said Monday.

    Kaylin Gillis, 20, was traveling through the rural town of Hebron with three other people Saturday night when the group made a wrong turn onto the property. 

    They were trying to turn the car around when the homeowner, Kevin Monahan, 65, came out onto his porch and fired two shots, according to Washington County Sheriff Jeffrey Murphy.

    One round hit Gillis."

    Par for the course down there:

    The errand that nearly cost Ralph Yarl his life was of the sort that falls to older brothers everywhere.


    Ralph, a Black 16-year-old in Kansas City, Mo., had been sent to pick up his younger twin brothers at a friend’s house on Thursday evening, his family said. But he mixed up the address, finding himself in front of a house on Northeast 115 Street, instead of Northeast 115th Terrace.


    The white man who answered the door there shot him in the head and again in the arm after he fell, according to prosecutors. Somehow, Ralph made his way, bleeding, to another nearby house. There, he was told to lie on the ground while someone called for help, his family said.



  4. 1 hour ago, Tracker said:

                   Bomber signings today:                                 



                                       May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'WR GAVIN GARNER TORONTO OL Tyler VARSITY BLUES Grisolia'

    Those were last week's signings (April 6th).

    Today we added:




  5. I wonder if we look at this kid from Brandon in the draft.  He didn't make the top 20 draft rankings but he had a pretty good combine.  Still has some work to do from the sounds of it but it might be a good pipeline pick and him wanting to be here is not a bad thing either!


  6. 11 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

    It will be interesting to see how much of a factor this 'spat' turns out to be

    The parties are not that far apart in the polls, and the Liberals have recently had solid showings in by-elections

    Here's what I would say could be some potential swing ridings:

    • Dauphin
    • Selkirk
    • Radisson
    • Southdale
    • Fort Whyte 
    • Brandon East
    • McPhillips
    • Fort Richmond
    • Rossmere

    IMO, whoever wins most or all of these, will be in majority territory


    I'm in Radisson and the NDP candidate has already knocked on my door.  They are starting early over here.

  7. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    seems like crazy conspiracy stuff, but would the PCs go so far as to stage a situation ahead of time........and would Obby go along with it? Or maybe this is all just a big misunderstanding and taking something small and blowing it way out of proportion in the moment..... either way, this is super weird. I always respected Obby as a player, but as a politician, I'm not so sure...

    I would not put it past any political party to do this, especially one desperate to remain in power.  Audrey Gordon is also trying to get in on the act and just like with Obby, there is no evidence to back up the claim:


    Health Minister Audrey Gordon shouted across the aisle at the NDP leader accusing him of once shoving her off a corner at River Avenue and Osborne Street.

    In a statement, Gordon said the alleged incident took place during the 2016 election campaign, when she was the PC candidate in Fort Rouge and was handing out flyers.

    “He approached and physically intimidated me simply for being there — in broad daylight,” she said. “He came at me with such force that I was physically moved from the location I was standing in.”

    Gordon said she is unsure if she was pushed or if she “subconsciously backed up from shock… While I may have forgotten some of the specifics, I have not forgotten how Wab made me feel.”


  8. 26 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    The article talking about him and the possibility of him ending up here had Kyle Walters saying he’d be a hard talent to pass on. 
     Also his resume does say that. 2021 23 catches 10 went for tds 24+ yards a per catch with 15+ yards per punt return and adding another 2 tds on punt returns. 2022 28 catches 8 for tds for 17 ypc to go along with 3 punt return tds and 17.5 yards per punt return. 

    Check the article again.  Walters isn't saying anything about his talent being too good to pass on, he's just saying that IF it came down to MOSJ and someone very similar, it'd be hard to overlook the personal connection.


    "There is a personal level, it’s hard not to put that in there. You try to trust the film and numbers. Where does he slot in on the receiver rankings? If it’s a coin flip in the draft, this guy or this guy, it would be hard not to call Mike Jr.’s name, if it came to that,”


  9. 6 minutes ago, Stickem said:

    That's a tough call on Mos. Jr.......Every scribe and yokel in the country would be screaming 'nepotism'.......I say to hell with that and IF he's good enough and makes the grade sign him....If he's anything like his dad he'll be a beast

    Osh has said it wouldn't be his choice to have his kid here and feels it would be unfair to everyone.  Kyle, however, says it would be hard not to take him in the draft if it was a toss-up between him & another player.   


  10. 31 minutes ago, camper_2 said:

    Well, Mike please provide your 3 round detailed mock draft...

    As mentioned last week, when another decided to rip someone,  its a chat forum with all supposely providing their thoughts, suggestions, etc... I for one, look forward to John Hodge's and Marshall Ferguson's mock drafts...

    What's the point of doing a detailed mock draft when those details are wrong?  I'm not convinced that he actually watches games other than the ones he works.  Last year Ferguson said that the Riders weren't desperate for help on the o-line - anyone with a pair of eyes could see that was way off.  

    Hodge isn't much better... he had us taking an OL early because it filled a "need" for us.  Not sure where he saw the need but the team obviously didn't feel the same way since they took a grand total of zero OL last year.

    I do enjoy reading the mock drafts but they hold next to no value.

  11. 28 minutes ago, JCon said:

    He re-edited in the 90s and added a stuff to cut his ex-wife off of future earnings. He did it out of spite, as she was a co-producer (I believe) on the originals. 

    She does not have any producer credits on any of the Star Wars films.  Her only official credits were on A New Hope & Return of The Jedi as an editor (she won an Oscar for ANH).  She definitely did have an influence on the original trilogy but nothing official beyond that. 

    The whole not doing it out of spite rumor has been around for ever (along with many others) but nobody can say for sure as the details of their divorce settlement have never been made public.  I tend to not put much stock in this one since a) he was tinkering with and re-releasing the movies since day one essentially (ANH was re-released in 78, 79, 81 & 82) and b) he had way more than just the Star Wars franchise making him money but he didn't stop working on those companies/films.  Depending on the terms of the settlement, she would have been entitled to money from that too as his ex according to California law (at least at the time).  

  12. 14 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    Yea and no. It has produced more CFL talent than any other NCAA program, which makes sense since they are based in Canada. But they are nowhere near the top program in Canada. As of 2020 when this article was written, Calgary was #1 and Laval in their brief but storied history was #2, both with twice the alums as SFU. 

    SFU is not #1 from the 2005-2020 time period that the article is using but all-time they are #1.  That being said, their glory years of being a consistent CFL contributor ended about 25 years ago.

    13 hours ago, Noeller said:

    Sorry this was the quote I saw:




    #1 all time but that's a bit misleading.  From 1969-1997 they averaged about six CFL draft picks each year which is really high but over the last 25 years (1998-2022) they've averaged less than 2 players per draft with multiple years of having no players selected.

    https://athletics.sfu.ca/sports/2015/4/27/Clan CFL Draft Picks.aspx


  13. 24 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    Simon Fraser University eliminates football program



    Could this be the first of many?

    Why would it be?  They were the only Canadian school playing US college ball and no longer had a conference to play in.  I'd say what happened was unique to them, and not some sign of things to come.


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