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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. 53 minutes ago, bearpants said:

    I'm actually surprised we don't have a goal line package that includes Willie... then again, when your 1-yard plunge is basically unstoppable... I guess there's no need for tomfoolery...


    On 2023-04-01 at 8:24 PM, Noeller said:

    Willie does... Or has....line(d) up as a TE in certain packages. 


    Willie lined up a few times as a receiver last year (towards the end of the year).  He never saw the ball but when he was asked about it, he basically said it's up to Buck as to whether or not they'd throw to him or if he was just a decoy.  



  2. First reservations group opened this morning and from what I've heard, reviews are mixed. 

    My wife and her friend were both able book yurts and were done in less than 10 minutes. Other friends got the same old issue of being ready & signing in right on time, only to be put in a queue that already had about 5000 people ahead of them.  Apparently with the new system you can be logged in from multiple devices at the same time to try to book so that could make the queue issue much worse than before.

    The new system was never going to fix the issue of limited supply and  huge demand so it's still luck of the draw as to whether or not you'll be lucky enough to book something.  Haven't heard of anyone being booted out of the system while they were waiting though, which was a huge issue previously, so that's good news.

  3. 14 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Kongbo's contract provided the option window that year, we just allowed him out of his contract early because (I would assume) he promised to return or we had a desk drawer new contract in place should he be released.

    That's not what was reported at the time and even if the previous NFL window had been in effect, it wouldn't have mattered to Kongbo as it only applied to players going into the final/option year of their contract.



    Blue Bombers defensive end Jonathan Kongbo was released from a three-year contract to sign with the San Francisco 49ers. Had the NFL window, as worded in the CBA, been in effect, the Bombers would have retained Kongbo’s CFL rights, but now that is not the case.

    The Bombers honoured a handshake agreement with Kongbo, but they, like all other CFL teams, would rather an official policy be in place sooner rather than later.




  4. 15 minutes ago, Colin Unger said:

    I have some level of openness to CFL players being allowed to sign in the NFL the day after the Grey Cup.    There would be an advantage in terms of recruiting and you'd also increase the likelihood of CFL players trying the NFL and failing and having them back in time for CFL training camp the next year.  The downside is that there might be some suggestion that players are playing not to get injured in the playoffs. 

    Couple of points here.

    1) If the player is released (and not using the option window), they can sign whenever they're able to.  Kongbo was signed to the Niners about 6-7 weeks after the 2019 Grey Cup (we released him about 10 days after GC).

    2) You're not considering that some of these players are signing NFL Futures Contracts (like Kongbo did that 1st year) meaning they won't be available until much later in the year.  He signed Jan 1st 2020 but wasn't released until September after getting hurt.

    3) I don't think the NFL is looking for players who half-ass it during games and aren't willing to put in full effort.  If they are hoping to make it to the show and get that money, that's not the best way to go about it.

  5. 52 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    It can happen but it is very rare. Kongbo was the exception not the rule. Most teams will not entertain the idea. Might see more of it now with the spring leagues in order to get these guys signed though.

    2019 - Bombers released Kongbo

    2021 - Bombers released Kongbo

    2022 - Bombers released Ford

    It happens more than you are suggesting and those are just recent examples from our team.

  6. 1 hour ago, CrazyCanuck89 said:

    Does he stay at guard though with Eli being resigned?  It seems wasteful to turn a big defensive tackle into a development guard, when one can be picked in the draft.

    Eli was our back-up centre when he was here before, except for certain packages where he came in as a 6th OL.  He's the heir apparent at centre now that Couture is gone - just a matter of seeing if he's ready right out of camp or not.  Kolankowski will start if Eli isn't ready yet.

    Maybe they feel like there isn't going to be anyone available with more upside than they feel Adamson has?  FWIW, Hodge, in his first mock draft, said that this year's draft is relatively light on OL. 

  7. 21 minutes ago, JCon said:

    At least it's staggered. 

    Should help the system not get overwhelmed but the downside on our end is that you now go through the process on multiple times (if you plan to camp in different locations). My wife likes to go camping all over the place & does all our reservations.  So now she has to plan to waste 4-5 mornings on this now instead of one.  We'll see how it work out though - can't be any worse than it was before!


  8. Resurrecting this thread from the dead since the new Manitoba camping reservation system went live today.  Very similar to the Ontario Reservation System (which is not surprising since the company hired has worked on the Ontario & Parks Canada systems in the past).  

    Much easier to use but the big test will be on Monday when the first day of reservations goes down.

  9. I'm liking these articles that our new scout has been putting out recently.  He's no Ed Tait (no slight there, most aren't) but it's nice bit of insight into some of these guys before they get up here for camp & what goes into finally getting them to sign after years of being on the teams radar.


  10. 19 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    The quote out of BC seems to indicate that he re-tore the achilles again when he was almost ready to come back. If so, it's likely a career ender.

    Yep, got reported back in October that he was on track to return before playoffs but got hurt again.  Was only reported as a "setback" so I don't think anyone (at least outside the team) knew how bad it was until now.


  11. 18 minutes ago, Geebrr said:

    They do it with the Lames

    There's no accounting for taste!  

    9 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    "well, the Flames are the NHL....a major pro sport! ....the CFL is barely a step above CIS...it's not even as good as NCAA!  ....Most NCAA teams would beat the best CFL teams....CFL doesn't matter!"  - things Calgarians regularly say

    Yeah if the CFL got the kind of support the NHL gets (from everyone... fans, various levels of government, media) we wouldn't be having this conversation.  

  12. 31 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Hamilton, under the Caretaker, also does a decent job, I think. Ottawa has been doing a good job since day 1. Sounds like the new guy in Montreal is going to be doing a lot. So it's Calgary and Toronto that really do next to nothing. SF27 is off his nut in a lot of posts lately, but he's right that the Stamps ownership group is just AWFUL at marketing the team, the population of Calgary doesn't give a **** about the Stamps, the stadium is garbage and is a bit of a pain to get to (tho at least there's the c-train). There's a lot of changes that need to be made to the Stamps to make them relevant again. 

    I'd hate to imagine how bad it would be in Calgary if they didn't have a perennial contender on the field. As a fan, I could put up with a sh***y stadium/ownership as long as we were winning... take that away and what incentive is there to keep going & supporting the team?

  13. 17 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    There is absolutely no way I would live stream the combine if I was the CFL. No chance I would give XFL/USFL/NFL scouts free and easy access to see the players measurables that we are hoping to recruit. For the price of zero they get to take a look at our best prospects and see how they stack up? No thanks.

    The CFL is already sharing that information freely, just not live with a live stream.  If anyone wants that info, it's available to them.

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