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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. 1 hour ago, bearpants said:

    I find it odd that Bauming is just assuming the Bombers are straight up looking for a replacement... competition, yes... but he needs to win the competition in order to be the "new placekicker" 

    Might just have been poor wording, potential new placekicker would have been more accurate.  But yeah, way too early for that kind of assumption...  I'm also expecting that this isn't the only kicker they'll bring in so who knows how things will turn out.  I mean Justin Palardy keeps tweeting about his kicking (some wearing his old Bomber gear) so he could be our next placekicker! 😂

  2. 4 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    I've been operating under the assumption that he was expecting his signing bonus up front and the team put it in the contract that it would be paid out in instalments. 

    I assume he was expecting that as well.  I wonder if it's not specified in the contract either way and that's the route the team has chosen to go.

    If the contract does say that it will be paid by installment, then yeah that's on him. And even if it's not written that way, I guess it's still on him (or his agent) for not having that part clarified.

  3. 1 minute ago, Jesse said:

    Sounds like it.

    Could be but it's not like this is his first contract or team.  Jones himself said the Elks execs have put in a new policy (he doesn't say what it is though). The 3D article makes it seem related to the signing bonus in the contract.

    "Kevin’s got his things going on and we’ve got a policy with our organization. Our president and CFO have come with a new policy and that’s their prerogative. They’re above my pay grade,” Jones said in an interview with 3DownNation."

    "That deal included a $25,000 signing bonus, but the linebacker has been vocally unsatisfied with how the financial compensation has been handled."



  4. 2 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    The Staal brothers disagree with you. 


    And they have the right to refuse, just like Colin Kaepernick had the right to take a knee, but it is weak to send out a “statement” through the team’s PR guy, citing a nebulous “we support inclusivity but we refuse to wear a symbol of this inclusivity because of “our religious beliefs”, and will take no further questions on this, thank you”. 

    If you have such conviction, stand by it. Explain what in your beliefs specifically makes you reject homosexuality, how the Pride jersey is an endorsement of that specifically, rather than just a symbol of support and inclusion for a marginalized and historically oppressed group regardless of your sexual preferences. And don’t hide behind copy written by/for a PR flunkie who has to deliver your message for you. No further comment does not cut it here. 

    Difference being Kaepernick is genuine in his belief... the Staals (Eric in particular) are not.   He's a lying sack of s**t.




  5. 44 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

     demski didn’t have injury Issues for his first 5 seasons. Can’t really compare the last two season health wise to a guy 22-24. 

    Demski got hurt in his 3rd season (broken foot) while KSB is going to start his 3rd season on the injured list so they aren't exactly worlds apart in terms of staying healthy.  You could argue Demski actually has the edge since he made it through 40 games before hitting the IR where KSB has only played 30.  The jury is still out on how durable KSB will be as he gets older.  

  6. 37 minutes ago, Wideleft said:

    Nope, nope, nope.  The Agencies have not confirmed anything as far as I've read (and I could be wrong at this second).  The sources are unnamed "whistleblowers".

    Again, the stated motivation to delay the Michaels' release makes zero sense, but I'm more than willing to follow the evidence as it builds/crumbles.

    So far, this is not passing the smell test for me.  Keep in mind, just because it was ran past the Global lawyers prior to publishing, they often advise on wording rather than the actual veracity of the story.  

    Also keep in mind that according to many on the right of the political spectrum, mainstream media cannot be trusted so why should we believe them now?  Can't have it both ways...

  7. I'm saying they need to adapt and use newer ways of promoting their product.  They are providing coverage just in more traditional ways like web articles.

    Let's flip your question around... why would those people read about the CIS combine?  In a tik tok/instagram world, what's going to go farther, a written article on CFL.ca or video? 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    are there actually people (aside from the already-diehards) that would care to watch a live stream of this stuff?? 

    There might be, I'd for sure have it on in the background right now if there was a feed.

    The lack of streaming for the combine is just one example of their poor social media skills.  The original tweet that Madani replied to also used the 14 year old kid & his youtube account is another.  I get there were copyright issues involved but they could have turned it into a positive story by working with/mentoring the kid and using him to help build that next generation of fans.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    always, with him. Madani is just so angry at the CFL..... he and ISO/SF27 are cut from the same cloth. Irrationally angry. I've enjoyed the content on their website, regardless of whether or not events are streamed. There's been lots to read about. 

    But that's just it... you (and myself as well) aren't who they need to attract.  The people they should be targeting want different coverage than just print media.  Madani isn't alone in feeling this way either.



  10. 14 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I have a few ideas about what the CFL should do to become more popular but all that would do is elicit angry responses so it's not worth it for me to even discuss this any further. I don't need the grief. I think it's sad we can't have a discussion about the future of the CFL & throw ideas around ithout being accused of being disloyal. 

    You're advocating to remove/reduce the ratio to make it more popular when that's already been done over the years.  As Booch pointed out, the quality of the game has improved every time the ratio has been reduced and yet attendance/popularity is still down in certain markets.  The league certainly has it's issues but I don't think the ratio is the problem or solution.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    because it wasn't listed in the article - he's apparently 5'9" 180lbs...... so maybe more of a KR/PR than anything? 

    Size-wise, he's right there with a couple guys we have in the secondary (Jamal Parker is listed at 5'8, 177lbs & Demerio Houston is 5'10, 169lbs) so who knows.  Looks pretty versatile though since he holds school records both ways on special teams.

  12. 6 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Yes, when measuring the trade one should look solely at the value of the pick and the advantage it gives. The long term value of it is not really in any team's control. Blue chippers can bust, and players can move on after their first contract. That is why keeping and compiling as many as these top draft picks as possible is how winning teams are created. 

    With the benefit of hindsight, Cam Judge followed by Geoff Gray are probably the two best picks to make. Cam is who I probably would have chosen. Hard to say if he would have stuck around or left. We have a few players who moved around before coming to the Bombers and committing to us long term. Also, and not to be diminished, is the fact that at the time we chose Gray he was an NFL player. We were lucky he came back to the CFL. OL from Canada have a fairly good rate of hanging around the NFL.

    Judge was in camp with the Texans a week after being drafted so he was just as much of a risk as Gray.  Gray being a local gave the Bombers an advantage for retaining him long-term.

    Interesting note from this article is that Sask was actively trying to trade down from the #2 pick but had no takers, so they went with Judge.  I wonder if his being a late addition to the draft with clear NFL aspirations had an affect on how teams felt about him?  With hindsight, I'd guess every team would have been much more willing to take that deal given how few decent players came out of that draft!


  13. 2 hours ago, Bigblue204 said:

    Outside of moving teams a couple times....I'd take Judge. He's had more impact imo.

    But as a draft pick, how much value is he when he's having that impact for another team?

    Sask only got two full seasons out of him and his best play has been for Calgary and Toronto. Gray is also just starting to come into his own so his true value has yet to be determined.

  14. 18 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    FWIW, I'd have taken Cam Judge first overall (with the gift of hindsight, to be clear).

    I'm taking Gray over Judge if the draft was re-done with the benefit of hindsight.  Not a knock on Judge but he's been on 3 teams in 5 seasons so Gray would be the better long-term pick for the Bombers (imo).

    17 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    woof what a garbage draft year: 


    To be fair, there are a number of top guys from that draft class who never came north - Justin Senior, Eli Ankou & Antony Auclair were all ranked top 10 but have yet to play a snap in the CFL.  

  15. 40 minutes ago, Stickem said:

    Regarding retaining of draft pics.......I guess we've done fairly well  judging by the talent we have retained and the Cup games we've played in recently....Facts and figures should ,such as this, equate to success on the field ....as that's what the name of the game is....Nice to retain all high level pics ....but if you're continually treading water as a club...what good are they....So many variables besides numbers

    Including players who are no longer playing football also skews things.  When the average career is like 3 years and change, of course a bunch of draft picks from 6 years ago will no longer be with the team (or any team for that matter).   

    I'd rather see those same stats but strictly for players still actively playing pro football.  Just looking at the Bombers draft picks listed, of the 18 active players (NFL & CFL), we still have 12 of them (66.67%) with 2 being in the NFL.  Even that won't give a completely accurate picture though because we know some players go back to school but could still be part of the plans for the team. 


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