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Uncle Bill

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About Uncle Bill

  • Birthday 1867-07-02

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    : winnipeg

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  1. When I was with Rogers in Toronto (cable & cell) I was constantly amazed at their poor customer service and their arrogant and unpleasant attitude. Until I called to quit: that was the most pleasant attitude ever conveyed by a Rogers rep in my 16~ years with them.
  2. My great fear is SportsNet will win the contract and they’ll expose cfl fans to the worst collection of play-by-play and colour announcers while placing them second fiddle to nba and leaf events. "We apologize for the delay in the Winnipeg - Saskatchewan playoff game. Well return after our hourlong analysis of the horrendous Austin Matthews hangnail injury."
  3. I was of the opinion Nichols resisted the long ball because he feared being intercepted. I’ve noted Nichols protects the bejesus out of his passes, much preferring to throw it away than risk getting intercepted. I don’t know if there are stats on this, but I’d not be surprised to hear Nichols threw the fewest long balls than most cfl quarterbacks.
  4. On Saturday morning I watched SportsNet Central hoping to see the Bomber highlights. They spent the entire hour on the kawhi defection.
  5. 1.9 km to be precise...
  6. I still see many comments in the Winnipeg Free Press from some incredibly bitter people about the location. Personally, I lived in river heights and I hated the polo park location. Parking was always a beeyach as was traffic exiting. I wonder if those who complain about parking and traffic today overlook yesterday’s problems. I don’t want this thread to get derailed so I’ll leave it at that. Like tracker said, the new stadium is so much an improvement, I can’t imagine the current location has a significant impact on attendance.
  7. Curious to see if there is any chance the success of the Jets, the return of the Moose and the Goldeyes impacts Blue Bomber attendance? I read an infuriating comment on another board ridiculing Bomber attendance. Don’t get me wrong, the Blue Bombers are third in CFL attendance this season @26k~/average per game. FOOD FOR DISCUSSION. Jets 2017/2018: 628,161 fans @$120 average ticket price (guess) Moose 2017/2018: 200,526~ fans @$20 average ticket price (guess) Goldeyes 2017: 219,556~ fans @$20 average ticket price (guess)
  8. Actually, taylor grew up in Alberta and studied journalism at Ryerson University in Toronto.
  9. I’ve always said rod black goes out of his way to prove he’s not a homer but he always seems to go overboard.
  10. I don't recall reading a single complaint about traffic last week. Everyone I spoke with that attended said traffic wasn't a problem. That said, I lived in river heights and fort rouge when I first went to bomber games 35+ years ago and remembered traffic and parking always being a problem at polo park. It is nigh time Winnipeggers quit whining about the location and the traffic. Ditto asper. It is quite possible Winnipeg might not even have a new stadium to ***** about without him.
  11. Totally. After all they know EVERYTHING there is to know about football.
  12. Seems selinger wants more board accountability. That's rich. Anywho, seems like something the fans want. How do we go about expediting this? Make it so. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/selinger-tackles-football-club-226261581.html?plckFindCommentKey=CommentKey:1a036f2e-37b7-41b6-8e2c-fcfda1380c02
  13. Not sure why I need a lesson in context. My comment was based on one player's goal. I happens on this and other Blue Bomber forums, Jets forums, the comments section in newspapers... AND, the media in this city.
  14. Trouba's goal was a good play. He made a great head's up play to read and intercept an Oiler pass and drove across the blueline to unload his shot. A knuckler. It fooled Dubnyk. We have a horrible habit of diminishing our successes and blowing up our opponents successes.
  15. It was a season pass (not mine), not sure of the colour. It was in the lot off University Crescent.
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