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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Cam Marshall and or Tyrell Sutton should be gone too.
  2. When a player is unhappy off field annoyances get really really annoying
  3. Old enough to remember when Franklin was part of The Plan.
  4. Mighty expensive pass rush in HAM.
  5. Site that boasts supposed "insiders" yet none of them heard Roosevelt and Thigpen moves. They now pretend not to be surprised. And no one dares to call them on it over there.
  6. Weird. Its as if front office formulates the narrative and a handful of posters dutifully reinforces and defends it All happens virtually over night.
  7. The transformation of Naman Roosevelt from "good ol Rosie" to "aging, dont need em anymore, thanks for the good times" is well underway.
  8. Can be done. But can't sign Wynn too.
  9. Government and people are being crushed in his iron grip. The living will envy the dead.
  10. Stop him before he reassign s someone again.
  11. If history teaches us anything it's sociopath dictators always reassign people to other jobs with a pension when theyre exposed in a plot to remove said dictator.
  12. Lots of people get to stay employed and be reassigned after participating in an orchestrated and manufactured plot to indict their boss who is also happens to be the President of the United States. Surprised at this.
  13. Sanders still has to explain to his far left base, never mind the average voter, how open borders immigration driving down wages so his corporate donors have cheap labour makes him different than any of the neo liberal candidates who promise the same thing. Old enough to remember when marxists said it was all about the proletariat. Time flies..
  14. Should be court martialled. Baffling he kept his job for this long. Hes a leaker not a "whistleblower". Circumvented chain of command in the plot to implicate his commander in chief. Like other deep staters they refuse to accept they are not the government, they do not set foreign policy .
  15. CIA Pete is not the outsider. After the collapse of Warren and now Biden hes the establishment choice by default now. Will be treated that way by media pending his own collapse.
  16. What fraud ? in the Iowa caucus ? Still havnt got to the bottom of it.
  17. Man, whats next ? The President renting out the Lincoln Bedroom for campaign funds?
  18. MSNBC Warren peaked in the summer. Only thing keeping campaign alive was media hoping she was Hillary 2. But even they have moved on to CIA Pete. Stick a fork in her campaign.
  19. Liberals. " Silly goose, I know we said we would license media outlets but that's not what we meant. We meant we would regulate culture. "That should put your mind at ease".
  20. Warren said in an interview what caused it wasn't anything she did but was a symptom of institutional racism that pervades everything everywhere. Nothing attracts voters like a politician who lied about her ethnicity to advance her career... " I'm not racist. But you probably are". No wonder she's tanking.
  21. Six women "of colour" quit Warren campaign. Felt "tokenized". Complaints were met with "progressive buzz words and not much else."
  22. Romney, like the rest of them , could easily be Democrats, not one iota of ideological difference except the level of corporate tax cuts. And thats assuming they have an ideology besides the love of six, seven figure private sector jobs and public sector sinicures.
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