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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. 2019 highlights include. Nunes lawsuit. Covington kid lawsuit, Don Lemon gay sexual harassment lawsuit, a racial discrimination lawsuit. Fake Nunes Vienna story. Fake Cohen Trump Tower meeting. Fake Trump ordering Cohen to lie to congress story. Fake Scaramucci Russian hedge fund story. Fake Trump jr wikileaks story.... CNN is a joke. Even inside the industry theyre laughed at.
  2. Second shooter on the grassy knoll. Release the files. Coke and Pepsi are the same thing.....
  3. Network news is hopelessly corporatized. Their allegiance lies there and not to "journalism". Nuggets of reality ?, sure, But overall they are all compromised. Fox, CNN, NBC (Weinstein who?), all of them. Anyone who uses them to get their info is a fool, imo. If there was even a molecule of truth to the dossier an anything in the Mueller Report it would have been used to buttress the impeachment charge and strengthen the garbage case they have now. Mueller Report and everything with it, all the hype, has been unsurpringly memory holed by everyone except the hardcore conspiracists
  4. Steele dossier has been repeatedly debunked .A load of bollocks from the start. IG report showed Comey was warned three seperate times the thing was a lemon...yet proceeded anyway, you know, Orange Man bad gone at any cost etc.
  5. Do you think the other networks are fair and balanced ? CNN, for example, pedalled Warrens sexism accusation like it was fact. Hard Pedalled Mueller, Russia-gate, secret meetings in Prague, Steele Dossier, Convington kids...ditto all three networks.
  6. To be fair the Avenatti re arrest was part of the news cycle too.
  7. Bernie just tweeted he thinks the guy is a plant... political dirty tricks etc. Oh you're a sly one, Liz. lol
  8. Far more accurate than not. Appreciated, WBFB
  9. Not okay with frittering away the cultural and moral foundation the West was built on so progressives can feel good....about themselves....before moving on to the next fetish
  10. Or inviting cultural and moral suicide.
  11. Meh, always found Billy Joel a pretentious bore..
  12. Racial quotas, puberty blockers and drag queen story time. Time tested values society was built on.
  13. Progressivism/Socialism/Marxism/Communism are the dirty words. Brand names for same poison. And, yes, i will carry the water for its containment and/or destruction.
  14. Traditional conservatives were sick of outsourcing, open borders, pointless expensive wars by the GOP that only cared about corporations and donor class. Trump was supposed to be the antidote. Failed on many fronts. He might hemorrage votes too. Some of his base will stay home.
  15. Yet the Democrats field presidential candidates whose platforms radically to the left (by US standards) . And their apologists wonder aloud why they can't make headway. Progressives have abandoned the working class and working poor for racial, sexual , climate politics completely incompatible with a cohesive society they claim they want Then theyre surprised that those same people they take for granted either don't vote at all or vote for other for other out of protest. UK election was a clear , loud alarm bell . The Left hemorraged their traditional base. It will happen in the US. Voters will,stay home, vote Trump as a protest or go to a third party. "Populism" indeed.
  16. Pakistani kidnap/rape gangs in Manchester. Cops knew . Did nothing. Told mass arrests would look "racist". And the Left wonders why it loses elections.
  17. Of course. Marxism is inherently violent. The mask always slips off. Will Bernie condemn the statements or nah ?
  18. Kyle Jurek, a campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders was caught on tape Promises "cities will burn" if Trump re elected. Even if Trump loses populace will have to be "re educated". Like Stalins gulags, which he defends. If Sanders doesnt get the nomination, "cities will explode". Will make the 1968 Chicago riot "look like an ******* picnic" Ah, progressives.
  19. Again, some pretend that corrupt foreign policy is the sole domain of republicans or conservatives or whatever they see as opponents. Just illustrates the hypocrisy of some of the elites of the progressive Left. Being uncomfortable when reminded doesn't change that fact.
  20. We're senators Clinton, Kerry, Schumer asked ? They went against their own party and voted yes on 2003 invasion.
  21. "Progressives" are quiet. Iran is a repressive theocracy . The kind of society progressives claim to hate. The kind of society they fantasize about resisting and overthrowing if it were a book or movie Yet Iran is real. And they can't bring themselves to support the protesters because ...?
  22. Theyre very quiet now but certainly there will be an avalanche of support for ant got protests in Iran from progressives, right, right ?
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