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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Great place to watch a game though. Go every summer. Highly recommend it.
  2. Lost in all the MTL tire pumping is that MTL defense is soft. Have been all year.
  3. Thought there'd be more people
  4. If one wants HAM to lose, fine but...Apart from cliche answers Dane Evans is virtually impossible to dislike.
  5. TSN geeked up with Evans and home crowd. But spidey sense says EDM pass rush is going to make Evans throw game killing mistakes.
  6. Multinational media giant spikes story on serial paedophile and human trafficker and the only person fired is a woman who didn't actually leak the tape. Seems like people interested in woman's rights would be interested in this sort of thing.
  7. OTT gives Logan unconditional release. Riders sign him. "Low risk move. Still has some upside. Arrest? Everybody knows courts are stacked against fathers. Don't be so judgemental"
  8. It is when going forward is predicated on the need for bipartisan ship, like she said.
  9. Scorn by a socialist doesn't make the point you think you're making.
  10. How was "it has to be bipartisan and it will be" which Pelosi repeatedly maintained and echoed by a sympathetic media a red herring ?
  11. So when the doors are locked, literally, to scrutiny how is anyone supposed to trust it as genuine.
  12. My mindset is socalists and progressives destroy everything they touch and make society and the world worse. They cannot be trusted. Plot , scheme, steal to get power. See Mueller and impeachment. The longer they are kept from the reins of power the better. Since socialists are plotting for more power in the US, the most influential country on earth, I have an interest. Even if I was an American Id have no attachment to Republicans as they are , by and large, a party of globalist, open borders job killers and war mongers. No attachment to Trump other than he promised to address the above, with modest success. So my defense of Trump, if you want to call it that, is through the "lens" of what I listed.
  13. System is place for that. It's supposed to be transparent and bi partisan like Pelosi said. Since it obviously isn't there should zero credibility given to this.
  14. All politicians are corrupt, system is corrupt. Equally corrupt Democrats trying to steal back power for powers sake and pretending its justice is appalling. "I'm angry we lost an election we were promised to win and I hate Trump " are not virtues.
  15. Accusations come from the same people who said there's proof he colluded with Russia .From the same people who said he praises neo Nazis. From the same people who said he should be impeached for criticising anthem kneelers and being mean to OAC. On and on... People have every reason not to believe.
  16. Whole thing is partisan revenge garbage by desperate Democrats with no winning platform (and know it) and Deep State afraid of losing the puppet strings. Yes.
  17. HAM. There wasn't even a proper system in place in place for him never mind a decent roster. Talent pipeline, if you can call it that, was his college contacts
  18. From what I gather the sexual /power dynamic of a superior over a subordinate in the workplace is a big part of it no matter if it was consensual. Pretty much sounds like this case
  19. She had to resign by the new ethics regulations. As if you need written rules to tell you having sex with subordinates is wrong but ... If Pelosi thought there was a political win or a boost to feminist base here for Hill not to resign no way Pelosi would have accepted her resignation. Pelosi had no choice, rules set out in the Metoo thing.
  20. Yep, Metoo Congress Act enforced for the first time and it's a bi sexual Democrat woman. No wonder progressives are mad.
  21. Secret testimonies, "whistle blowers " that more resemble operatives, rules mysteriously changed, rules set as they go along... Shouldn't everyone at the very least be skeptical?
  22. Which is precisely the point . Todays vote was completely at odds with two major Dem/Media narratives. 1. Pelosi and media insist impeachmention isn't a partisan farce because at it's heart its really bipartisan and that's why Dems are going forward with it. " We have no other choice" . Eyeroll 2. There's large numbers of Republicans just waiting to show their opposition to Trump and believe in impeachment too. "Cracks" I believe was the trendy word. In other words just more progressive wish fulfilment and projection dressed up as facts.
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