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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. t Tell you what... I'll gladly admit there's no double standard when I see Antifa, I Punch Fascists types bussed in and mass demonstrating at QC Legislature and Parliament Hill over this. Then I'll know progressives really are sincere about such things and not actually more interested in shutting down political opposition Because right now progressives look ike hypocritical phonies are nearly every issue on the docket.
  2. Relax. Just asked a question. Are the two reactions in porportion. Are the amount of media outlets reacting in porportion ?
  3. With the same vigor of an "I Punch Fascists" or the gentle finger wagging at an issue they'll forget about by the end of next week ?
  4. So much for abadoning ship House had impeachment inquiry vote today. 100% GOP voted against. Two Dems actually defected to No side. Pelosi insists impeachment is not a partisan stunt and will be end up being bipartisan because it's genuine. Your move, Nancy.
  5. Conservative leadership candidate proposes "values test" for immigrants. "Racist, "xenophobe", "islamophobe", "un Canadian". Quebec passes "values test" for immigrants. "Shrug, whaddya gonna do, it's their culture" Same people.
  6. Need to stop using NFL as the rule when it's the exception in pro sports. "Regional" finals in MLB, NBA, NHL are ratings poison,
  7. Mark Spector, Senior Columnist. Rogers still pretending Sportset Magazine is a real magazine with readership, influence and prestige. Committed to the bit. I'll give them that.
  8. Journalists in general have always had a peculiar sense of importance and use influence just for its own sake. Willy Mays and Mickey Mantle weren't unanimous first ballots. Joe DiMaggio had to wait until second ballot. Seriously.
  9. How did Hughes embarrass the Riders when everybody there shrugged ? "oh, well these things happen, hope he learned his lesson, man , it was different in the old days, I could tell you some stories, chuckle, chuckle"
  10. Taaffe was set up to fail here. No foundation to work on thanks to Youngs penchant for hiring people with little or no experience then trying to fix that mistake by hiring experience and expecting over night results. Joked at charity golf tournament.."best two balls I hit today was when I stepped on a rake"
  11. Journalists. Your moral and intellectual superiors.
  12. Outstanding Achievement in Veteran Leadership Award: Jon Ryan.
  13. Riders win. "Don't act surprised. Told you we were this good. Suck it ". Riders Lose. "First year QB, HC, didn't think we'd get this far. So proud of the progress we've made. So set for the future it's scary"
  14. A lot of people pencilling in MTL for East Final. Not convinced. Me thinks EDM pass rush spells trouble for Adams. Really want a HAM WPG GC.
  15. Priders in a lather as league conspires to deny Fajardo MOP yet havnt come up with a single plausible argument why Banks shouldn't win...beyond "its a QBs award"...
  16. Soooo, you're gonna be bummed when Banks wins MOP ?
  17. Ellingson only thing stopping EDMs offense being as dubious as OTT.
  18. The idea of "Evans is doing a a great job filling in for Masoli" is ancient history. It's Evans team now..lock,. stock and barrel.
  19. Ok. For Evans......your first round picks until the end of time.
  20. Fajardo MOP ?, get that weak **** outta here.
  21. Evans is under contract. Dunno about Arbuckle.
  22. Save your pennies for Masoli sweepstakes. Evans ain't going nowhere.
  23. Sincere apology to Redblacks. Said losing to BC was rock bottom. I was wrong. So, so wrong.
  24. How he isn't a bigger story is baffling. Backup QB is 9-2 starting...leading team to one game from the GC.
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