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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Interviewed in MTL last year. Kavis found him unsatisfactory.
  2. Inscrutable game Inscrutable officiating.
  3. MTL has a bunch of regulars out. Cats bringing full compliment. TSN will ask "is this an East Final preview?" 100 x.
  4. West never seems to complain about weak East opponents fattening up their regular season win totals. The moaning about weak east teams only pops up at the end of the year . Take care of your division games get a home playoff and you have nothing to cry about.
  5. Hall defense are killers.... Of optimism.
  6. For the hardcore fans maybe but to get big numbers you have to get the max number of casuals tuned in.. Casuals east of WPG , where you can get those numbers, won't be enticed . Nice to think they would but it's just not the reality. This year's World Series record low ratings is a similar scenario.
  7. How in hell can you beat a quality opponent with that defense
  8. Some of the East, yes. But let's be realistic it's the East side West dynamic that makes it appealing. Guy can't see the forest for the trees, in this case the numbers.
  9. After a couple years of all West grey cups with plummeting revenues and viewership would he still feel as clever ?
  10. George Brancatto dead at 88. For fans of a certain age he was as much the face of OTT football as Gabriel or Watts. RIP.
  11. Some Priders actually complaining TSN didn't make it a bigger news item. Just when you thought it was impossible for them to be more self absorbed....
  12. Can't call yourself a country or its PM anymore if you're content to just maintain the Quebec City-Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto power corridor that has run Canada for 50 years now . It is an old, taken for granted formula that's dying This election will be the last gasp of the old ways of doing things. The West will guarantee that. After a Lib-left-Green Frankenstein monster gains power the status quo elites who want the corridor to live forever no matter whos in power won't know what hit them.
  13. The guy the entire organization has 0.0% confidence in.
  14. Doesn't have to be a "saviour". Entire rationale of trade, supposedly, was an experienced QB for various circumstances, situations. That precisely happened tonight OShea had no answer.
  15. Garbage. TOR said everyone was available. Brain trust went with the semi invalid Collaros so howd that work out?
  16. He was available. Team needed a viable QB to come off the bench...stubbornly went with the same old same old and a gimpy one at that.
  17. Would MBT coming off the bench really be a worse move than leaving a clearly struggling Strevler out there? Really?
  18. "Now, now, there are Rider fans who are saying.." Suitor isn't even pretending to be unbiased anymore.
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