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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. He hated Casey Printers too , but yeah, it's rare
  2. Whoa. Matty no likee Trevor Harris.
  3. Agreed. Evans has turned into a great story.
  4. Well he was lovin Adams last night so maybe it'll even out.
  5. Whoa Roddy with the man love for Banks.
  6. Rod and Forde are forcing lipstick on the OTT pig that a 1 yard line to the 11 is a "big first down".
  7. Cats gunning for a franchise best 13 wins. Sunny and pleasant here. Prediction. Rod will say "perfect day for football in The Hammer" in his first sentence.
  8. As cavalier as, say, taking a human life like it's having a tattoo removed ?
  9. I'm thinking 2 years ago, three?. TSN talks like he's in a slump.
  10. When last was Duron Carter a genuinely effective player ?
  11. No excuse for not having enough leg knowing it was that long with no wind. It's unprofessional level kicking
  12. The Khari Shuffle, jiggle, jive whatever....it's getting annoying, like, Big Play Chain annoying.
  13. Good on MTL fans for coming back. There's a foundation for attendance success there. New owners will have no excuse.
  14. Having beliefs and moral convictions of what one believes as truth , sticking by them and voting that way. Imagine that.
  15. Graham is a forever war, arms industry lobby swamp creature neo con, of course he's grumpy.
  16. US presence in Syria was in violation of international law. CIA was arming radical islamists as a proxy army. I get why forever war neo cons are unhappy with the withdrawal but to hear it from leftists is breathtaking. Willing to sell their souls for one news cycle to try and own Trump. Pitiful.
  17. Endorses a feather weight clown but wont endorse his own vice president , Biden, or the only person of colour Booker. With friends like that. ...
  18. Weird how that talk either gets approval or shrugs from Priders but BLM gets called a jerk for being front and centre for his team.
  19. The deals Justin will have to make just so he can feed his ego and still call himself PM is, frankly, scary. Won't pretend to understand how most western CDNs will feel .
  20. For all intents and purposes the difference between Scheer and Trudeau is the diameter of an eyelash.
  21. Lunatic fringes of all three parties will be pushing for every far left policy they can to be enacted knowing they won't get another shot like this for years if ever. At least a Liberal majority kept them at bay. Not anymore.
  22. A coalition of Libs NDP and Greens..two of the three pretty much vowing to paralyze oil and gas production and pipelines....plus all the usual leftist tax and spend and social policies. Canada's gonna be awesome.
  23. Shaq Evans tells Sanchez he's the best receiver in the league. Last week Hughes says he's the MODP. Who says there's no "I" in team.
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