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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Far exceeded any reasonable expectation for a backup never mind a second year pro with six starts.
  2. Wins football games and some pretty stats to go along with many of them. . Checks off the two main boxes QBs are measured by. Shrug.
  3. Thought I heard franchise player designates could get 700.
  4. Does June Jones throw XFL money at Masoli?
  5. Ceremony didn't look high school to you?
  6. Cheesey and cheap or is it just me?
  7. Lawrence better watch it or he'll get a reputation.
  8. Benching MBT sums up his career perfectly. Gives you a reason to believe then next game reminds you, oh yeah, that guy.
  9. No Harris. Have Eskimos bottomed out and on way up again or are the problems too baked -in ?
  10. Argos showing signs of life to fight for third and then get crossed over.
  11. Which is an odd take since, when he was ripped for the India debacle, he said critics calling his outfits "costumes" was racist.
  12. So Canadian media is going to dig into why Trudeau left that teaching gig in the middle of a semester , right ?
  13. Argos first game that season was in OTT. Riders naturally hyped it and sold a ton of seats, if not a sell out. Then Argos make Rockets a healthy scratch so he could debut at home. LOL.
  14. We already knew what a buffoon and narcissist he is from the India mission. To me the real heart of the story is the 5Ws surrounding the leak and how inept the LP is .
  15. If you mean crony capitalism then we can agree.
  16. Except there is plenty of fetters and still allows for personal freedom and human rights.
  17. A system,s theory dedicated to permanent world revolution, destruction of private wealth and property the removal of basic human rights, the deliberate undunderming and removal of the bedrocks of society like family, religion turns out badly in practice, who knew?
  18. Democrat Gov of Virginia . Ralph Northam. Med school year book with him in blackface and minstrel outfit with the caption "coonman". 6 mos ago. Still governor. Justin ain't over.
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