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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Trudeau and his apologists grant him the notion of one's life and views being allowed to grow, change, learn , nuance. They do not and will not grant it to their opponents. Ever. It's a credibility and asymmetrical standards problem that progressives still can't navigate convincingly.
  2. Fascinating how the leaker of photo completely bypassed CDN media...like he didn't trust it ...and how leaker didn't go to an outlet hostile to Trudeau..Time magazine is pretty woke. Conspiracy theory. There are libs and powerful Liberal connected folks who want Trudeau gone and fast.
  3. Participants don't set the rules and don't get to change them in the middle of the game. Your past is fair game and has been for years. Angry? Get angry at the rule makers and enforcers.
  4. Where does one begin ? Hes been in politics, the public eye over 10 years, books written and life chronicalled but it takes a foreign magazine to find it. CDN MSM malpractice. Liberal Party for not defusing this bomb years ago. This country really is amateur hour sometimes.
  5. Edwards was too polite to say it's Priders who go berserk on social media when they detect a slight. Local TSN radio host, Marshall Ferguson, said the same thing earlier this season. Twitter is a digital psych ward and Prider fans have settled in nicely.
  6. Local pinko commie rag, which is running on fumes, no longer has a beat reporter. Just a columnist summarizing a game thats already happened. Occaisonally TSN radio co host will take in a practice and drop a tweet or two. That is , essentially, media coverage for HTC. For injuries, roster moves etc one has to go to cfl.ca It's ridiculous, here.
  7. HAM hasn't won there in 15 years. Has to end one day, doesn't it?
  8. Rock Bottom? I'd like you to meet Ottawa. Ottawa? This is Rock Bottom. I'll just let you two get aquainted.
  9. No problem. OTT just has to find a stud QB soon to make fans forget about letting Harris and Ellingson walk before it becomes legend in bad GM-ing.
  10. One team in the ditch the other thinks maybe if we rock it the drives will get enough traction. Can't imagine what attendance will look like.
  11. Baltimore became MTL. Alouettes ceased to exist in 1987. Nice to think it's a seamless timeline but in reality today's AL'S are just the relocated Stallions.
  12. PM blocks criminal investigation into his personal conduct because of an election in which he is running. RCMP shrugs. Canada-a banana republic with snow.
  13. List the other teams who blew cap space on an uncoachable punter just so they could have an our boy who made it big comes home story. Go.
  14. Love Rod,s desk. Like a bargain basement version of an ESPN or Fox sports show.
  15. Crossover is fine as is. Can reward a fourth place team only so much.
  16. When one expects more .....second place is winning a set of steak knives.
  17. Wouldn't hurt to try. Might have just enough for stretch drive. Condell's offense doesn't ask much from RBs,
  18. Not surprisingly TSN and league want some kind of pennant race in the East so they're relieved 3 of the 4 teams aren't no hopers afterall liked it looked earlier in the season. They're more than happy to overinflate MTLs tires.
  19. Priders. "His passion on the sidelines was under appreciated. He's the right fit here"
  20. Longtime EDM sports columnist Terry Jones, even handed as they come, thinks Maas is on the edge of the proverbial cliff. Hard to argue otherwise.
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