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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Gawd as my witness I will never tire of watching Bell spike himself in the cobbles.
  2. This whole BLM thing seems contrived. Me thinks he was always going to play labour day.
  3. Old enough to remember when Ambrosie said "The CFL needs Duron Carter".
  4. If you can't/wont see the blatant hypocrisy and irony then, yes, there is no point in a discussion.
  5. The ones "blackmailed" as you put it.
  6. Elite progressive journalism routinely expose tweets, no matter how old , or how interpreted, in order to shame its ideological enemies as morally repugnant are themselves exposed as same. The former are expected to be publicly shamed and punished the latter cry foul as if the same rules for morality they claim to hold as truth do not apply to them. Progressives want their brand of morality to be taken seriously but when its time to show some honest consistency in their beliefs instead they circle the wagons. And they wonder why theyre distrusted and scorned.
  7. Think it over ..eventually you'll get it.
  8. Swaggerville had cheap plastic props whilst mugging the camera?
  9. Weird all the backlash this created because exposing moral hypocrisy in elites is what " progressive " journalism prides itself in.
  10. It's grade school and makes the team look ridiculous. More importantly it makes the league look cheesey. Grow up and act like professionals.
  11. Like players sharing a plastic necklace after fairly routine plays.
  12. Laughs and lectures from a fanbase that supported the signing and employment of Dwight Anderson right up to the last possible moment is, well, frustrating. It's like when your dog barfs and he eats it. You know he's a dog, dogs do that, but it's like, cmon, be better
  13. Devils Advocate. If you're the league why would you suspend one of your marquee players for the highest rated game of the the most important non playoff weekend of games . Could this suspension have not waited ?
  14. Toronto, BC, Ottawa are done, imo.
  15. And for gawd s sake stop calling it "bling".
  16. When Reilly got picked in endzone Clay Brooks looked like Raj in the 7 11 advert.
  17. Luck stuff goes in NFL forum.
  18. HAM. Glass half empty. Life and death to beat a dreadful team. Won't beat a real team if offense plays like that Half Full. Defense bailed team out like good defenses should. Some significant injuries but still grinded out a road win in a disadvantageous time zone. 8-2
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