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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. SSK defense still thinks it's garbage time. Get burned.
  2. Good thing OTT put their foot down and cut Fulio-Guidino.
  3. Nope. Havent shown anything to suggest they could beat either team now. Almost devoid of offense. Two horse race in East.
  4. Much was made of Tillman and the Ray deal but what OTT did past off season should also be legendary.
  5. Do Lions finally roll over and die or does HAM give them reasons to cling to the fantasy their season's not over with soft defense like they did two weeks ago?
  6. Hard to see how OTT could win this. Even TSN has run out of excuses for Davis after pumping his tires for the first third of the season.
  7. Actually it was TOR that hired Paopao. Apologies. I have relieved my communications director of her duties. P.S,. He was an effing disaster here in 06.
  8. OTT, one of the supposedly best managed and coached team in the league just hired Joe Paopao to try and fix an offense deliberately deprived of Harris, Ellingson, Spencer. Sometimes it's clear and easy to pinpoint a teams decline.
  9. Last minute of regulation was inexcusable for CAL .
  10. Details freak like Dickenson must be losing it.
  11. MTL is legit . Arbuckle and Stamps still unconvincing.
  12. Streveler got some of that patented TSN QB lovin briefly early last season.
  13. Streveler kept his spot on the team for a reason. Either the organization believes in him or they dont.
  14. Liberal Lavscam Load Management. 1. Story is not true. Never happened. 2. Well, yeah, we chatted but there wasn't any pressure. 3. Judy says she was pressured? You buy that ? There's no telling what an angry woman will say . 4. Yeah, we know Ethics Commissioner found violations but he's wrong. 5. So what, every government does it. 6. Anyway, Scheer has a Nazi secret agenda and only voting Liberal will you be rescued.
  15. Pay no attention to those revolutions, death camps, gulags, famines, forced collectivization, wasteful , infficient nationalization of industry, unemployment, breadlines, deliberate formenting of social unrest behind the curtain.
  16. Use whatever adjective you like. Just so long as the act is condemned for what it is. Avoiding an issue to maintain the ideological brand is bad enough but not condemning it at all out of fear for offending someone is moral cowardice. Neither of which adds up to "progress" .
  17. But it is barbaric. Call it out, shame it, shine a light in the darkness with the same energy, vigor and determination as you do with racism. Maybe then more people will buy progressiveism as a legitimate choice and not just repackaged marxism.
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