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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. If one's cultural practice violates both legal and social norms and basic human decency then they should feel fortunate that feeling "marginalized" is the worst possible outcome.
  2. Scheer trying to throw a football. Youd need a heart of stone not to laugh. Doughy, flabby, ineffective. ...sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.
  3. 1.Because any hysterical misrepresentation and over statement by a hyper partisan source disguised as "progress" is of dubious value especially since the supposed evidence has had zero influence on CPC platform. 2. If you want to defend the slicing off of a girls genitals as progress and vibrant diversity that is equally as scary as anything Leadnow can smear Scheer with.
  4. Any evidence presented by Leadnow has to be treated with as much skepticism as you would with any evidence presented by Rebel. Don't need either of them anyway on the issue of "racism". CPC hasn't planned or will ever plan one iota of change to immigration or multiculturalism . They are exactly the same.
  5. 1. "Leadnow" are foreign funded , how much and who they refuse to tell, radical leftist agitators. 2. If one is to beleive evil racists are heading Scheer campaign then one should be wondering why CPC and Liberal immigration , diversity and multiculturalism policies are virtually indistinguishable.. Trudeau can't run on his party's record or on his personal leadership so he has to hope throwing enough racism mud at Scheer will stick enough will eke out or stop a minority govt. An ideological partisan media who are also getting a financial bailout to save their jobs are only too happy to oblige.
  6. Did Nichols go straight to trainers room ?
  7. Fans and media: "So just who's on these neg lists anyway". CFL: "It's a secret. Fans and media: "Why" CFL :"Because, anyway here's a list" Fans and media: "Why not do that all the time, hey, that last trade you made included a neg list player, who was it?" CFL: "Cant tell you, it's a secret"
  8. Its an industry trend. Sports franchises using decadent stadium food options as marketing says something ...not sure what though.
  9. Lions trade Coleman for Lemon. Don't know what Coleman s deal is but he got shipped out of here by laid back nice guy June Jones under mysterious circumstances. Might be uncoachable type.
  10. Hope the same Lion watchers lamenting the missed call also made note of HAM having a previous return called back and the six consecutive calls against HAM in the third that set up BCs last score.
  11. Meh. Refs missed a call on SSKs key return last week . But, yes, Bradbury is probably the worst..
  12. Hated how defense made BC look good. Overjoyed with backup Evans engineering win. Quite a night here.
  13. And these are the people who want you to give up your guns and to trust them.
  14. Dane Evans gets an another audition to be TSNs new hunk of the month. Lions, by law of averages, will win at least one more game but dunno if this qualifies as a "trap game". Cam Marshalls first game at RB here.
  15. Davis. Too many dumb and or reckless decisions. Will doom OTT in long run.
  16. Wouldn't splitting the two points be the most fair if it's that close ?
  17. Don't want to but have to go with EDM here.
  18. Business decision pure and simple. For the sport and spirit of the sport it's complete rubbish.
  19. Jackass grin he always has on his face after a play. Act like youve done it before, dude.
  20. Fajardo getting to be annoying as f***.
  21. Released. Money thing but team wanted to go with CDNs at tailback anyway. But team has now lost two CDNs off depth chart and have no choice. Irony being Greene and Marshall are pretty similar in style and build.
  22. So tell me about Cam Marshall. He gets the rock for the first time here Sat night.
  23. Riders missing Johnson is a real gut punch for defense. He's ranked 97th . What a colossal waste of cap space. It's going to be fun when Priders start looking for scapegoats again.
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