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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Weird. It's like the criminal element ignore strict gun laws.
  2. If whataboutism means calling out an intellectually dishonest and morally bankrupt position on incitement of violence and politics,,then, yes.
  3. Find me an influential American progressive either in the media or in politics who denounces Antifa or Louis Farrakan with the same vigor and I will beleive Progressives ' motives.
  4. Progressives : After an Islamic inspired terrorist attack "instead of using the full weight of the surveillance state on an entire ideology focus on policing that's already in place and finding community solutions so young men don't feel alienated and prone to violence. An overreach by government just erodes civil liberties for everyone. Also Progressives. After a "white nationalist" attack. " The government must do something. Monitor and hunt down every critic of multiculturalism and immigration because they are really white nationalists using dog whistles and code words which automatically inspire violence. Ban, deplatform all of them everywhere. Who cares if innocent people are unfairly treated. It's all worth it"
  5. Looking for pretty girls in stands is not new.
  6. Worst kind of loss. Rather just been blown out. Home team gets the love but TSN was fluffing Riders and Fajardo to toxic levels.
  7. Cats enter post Masoli world . Riders geeked up on Lions energy drink. Who defends pass rush the best wins.
  8. Riders think it's a genius move. All true if you forget the fact Riders signed the expensive concussion prone guy in the first place.
  9. You're playing a winless team in full free fall.
  10. Sometimes a team is so bad it goes beyond a "trap" game and the question becomes winning by how much and why you didn't win by more. This is that kind of game.
  11. How about a smidgen of respect to HAMs defense ?
  12. No it wasnt . It was tough medcine that was a long time coming. If Cummings wants to moralize about living conditions of illegal migrants he'd better be prepared to defend his own record at home. Without criticism and scrutiny of swamp creatures, trough feeders like Cummings nothing will change for people on the bottom.
  13. Anyone that ignored how bad parts of Baltimore have been for decades then suddenly became interested but only to denounce Trump as a racist for pointing it out and not the people and system that produced it.
  14. Moot point anyway as Glenn option has been ruled out.
  15. White liberal politicians, media, Internet activists who say nothing about decades of corrupt mismanagement because of partisan or woke politics even when blacks are worse off because it ?
  16. I "support" Trump when he attempts to change corrupt political culture in the US and hope it spreads. He's been a mixed bag at this, at best. Took on illegal immigration, sort of, but big corporate parasites and foreign policy warmongers are still comfortable which is a failure.
  17. Cummings is the failed leader and deserving of being called out one.
  18. Which is why Watford will remain the third arm indefinitely at over half the money Glenn would want.
  19. Even with all the experience Glenn isnt a better QB than Evans at this point.
  20. Have never and would never defend a politician or party if their sole plan is simply cutting taxes for corporations or the wealthy and opening borders for cheap labour so they can get even richer. Irony is big business has now signed to most woke identity politics. Funny, they used to be the bogey men for the left and now they're "partners" in progressivism.
  21. Tax and spend and expanding size of government has failed american blacks.All hallmarks of progressivism. Even with blacks in direct political positions of power. All the hollering of racism doesn't change the fact the system is broken.
  22. If more people in power called out people in power like Cummings for betraying their constituents urban blacks might not have to live in rats and garbage. So far cashing the cheques, ignoring it or defending it keeps them living like that. And that is genuine racism.
  23. It's not racist to point out squalor and criticize the people in power for letting it happen. Crying racism is not an answer. It's what one cries when they have no answers.
  24. I'd listen to american progressives more if they presented realistic plans to solve problems. Zero plans to tackle illegal immigration and border crisis and inner city squalor ..... apart from 60s vintage thinking of raising taxes, throwing money at things and handing out jobs based on race and gender and attacking the critics as racist or sexist when plans don't work.
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