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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. If it's racist to break the taboo and criticize a black politicIan not doing his job and criticize his party for letting let their constituents live in squalor then yes, POTUS is a racist. The less answers progressives have to genuine problems the more "racist" accusations are used as a default strategy, ...and it's not working anymore.
  2. My guess is Evans gets 3 or 4 starts to prove himself.
  3. HAM needed a third arm regardless. Highly doubt HAM sees him as anything more. Rider fans now shamelessly playing the "we so smart they so dumb" game for shedding Watford.
  4. Hmmm. Certainly keeping a low profile then.
  5. Exactly. So instead of crying "racism" to defend the preferred political party the media should be investigating where all the money goes and holding politicians responsible accountable . Punching up, truth to power. ..the stuff they claim to believe in. And if the government in power really cares about the plight of urban poor blacks the situation should be even more urgent, again, instead of trying to paint critics as racist for pointing out the obvious. People in power aren't doing their jobs, corruption rampant, trying to manufacture a racism angle won't solve a single thing for the people who have to live there
  6. They aren't "perceived" problems they are real. Baltimore like many long time controlled Democrat cities in Democratic states take in billions in aid and incentives yet the cities deteriorate and politicians mysteriously get wealthier than when they entered. Seems kinda newsy, yet journalists maintain embargo on criticism of prominent black Democrats then suddenly leap to action and cry "racism" to defend them even when black constituents are worse off because of it all. Talk about "racist". Talk about "caving to political base".
  7. Not in the doom and gloom camp yet. Evans, I think, has enough to make that offense work.
  8. No evidence to suggest Edwards has anything to do with 3downnation anymore or is even employed by local rag. Byline has disappeared for awhile now.
  9. Ok. I'm back. Sensing I missed something noteworthy.
  10. Agreed. My favourite. Pound for pound you can't beat them for fighting.
  11. Oh, smallies are getting their arses kicked too.
  12. Only July. Lots of time for me to really go into hiding. ..if need be.
  13. Austin didon't have a whole lot of use for Masoli... relegated him down to third string. And when he did he had him running a lot..which Masoli rarely does anymore even withnJones.
  14. Sorry , boys , I'm going up north tonight to get my pike on and will be out of modernity. So please don't see my silence as ducking ( since Bombers winning is more than a distinct possibility). Cheers.
  15. BC. Bad football. Bad football team.
  16. WPG. Cruising alititude. EDM. Inevitable egg laying. MTL. Back in the race. Khari is a difference maker. OTT. Key injuries don't help but they aren't scaring anybody soon. SSK. Feeling good about beating up BC is like saying you had a great cardio with treadmill set on "1". TOR. Running out of adjectives.
  17. Somali drug dealers? Dwight Anderson set the standard for late night social justice.
  18. In oder to meet the 15$ an hour demands of his campaign staff millionaire Sanders then reduced their hours. Capitalism makes sense afterall, eh, Bernie ?
  19. There's herbal medicine for that. Wonder if he knows.
  20. Who's closer to restoring credibility BC or TOR?
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