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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Two weeks straight opponent makes EDM look great. Ain't sold yet. Bombers shouldn't worry too much.
  2. BC was supposed to be a good story this year. Early days but yikes.
  3. Last week I thought BC was a good team beaten by a better team. BC is not a good football team . Soft everywhere.
  4. Waaaaay too easy to move the ball against BCs defense.
  5. Rod, please, it's not a "homecoming". Edmonton is his former team. That's it.
  6. Knives are out for Dickenson and Shivers already.
  7. Game raised more questions than it answered. SSK saving grace, their defense , gets royally lit up, coaching or over rated personnel, or does TSN have a star in Davis ? OTT defense makes Fajardo look like a super star. Or has TSN hit the QB hype jackpot ?
  8. Alexa, show me "completely outcoached ".....
  9. Venture to say completely unproven. TSN will try to convince you otherwise.
  10. Hunch says SSK defense completely baffles Davis and Riders grind out a fugly. Anticipating TSN Davis hype take it up a notch
  11. So many Jones defenders over there they were falling out of the rafters. Nowadays it's hard to find one. He's the architect of this and they know it.
  12. The full diaper that is Prider World didn't begin when Collaros got signed or even got hurt. It began the day Jones publicly undermined Durant for refusing a pay cut Which begat The Plan . Which begat revolving door QBs. Which the usual suspects slapped their flippers together like trained seals in support rather than show a lack of support for Jones. So don't let them spin this like this is some overnight emergency suddenly thrust upon them.
  13. It's his legal right if he asks. Rose appealed his and the league and society at large did not collapse.
  14. He will though. It's his legal right. Rose appealed his shoving an official in the EF down to nothing.
  15. Completely wrong and out to lunch. Havnt read or heard a single thing that Lawrence shouldn't be punished. Some even advocated 2+ plus games. Good try though.
  16. No one is "defending" what he did. The over the top multiple game punishment, hand wringing, phony virtue signalling was the beef. "I care more about this issue than you because I want a 4 game suspension. What, you want only a one game suspension, what are you, a monster?" It's so tiresome.
  17. Seems the relief of finally shedding Collaros contract is out weighing the outrage over the hit. Took one game for Fajardo to fall out of fashion. Lots of recriminations over Rider bungling the QB file.
  18. Doling out extra punishment for a hit for causing a concussion of a guy who gets chronic concussions and arguably had no business playing is quite a precedent.
  19. 1. Stretches last year when BLM offense looked off. But defense bailed him out. Might not get that luxury this year. 2. WPG. Good as advertised. 3. OTT had no business winning that game. Tons of dumb mistakes by both sides. Dickenson didn't sleep a wink last night. 4. MTL is not a good team. EDM simply took what was given. 5. HAM. New offense, week one, against maybe best defense in league. Masoli gets benefit of the doubt. 6. BC will be fine. 7. Last year TSNs qb project was Jennings and Bridge. This year so far it's Davis whom TSN will try and turn into a thing.
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