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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. The pedophile partied with Bill Clinton and Podesta and whose lawyer was a Obamite yet this is supposed to be a poor reflection on POTUS ? Comey, Mueller look the other way for a pedophile because he might have dirt on Trump ? Talk about "tick...tick..tick".
  2. Gawd help us if a Mexican or global player becomes an above average player. Roddy will make sure you remember the name and where he is from enough times during a game and the rest of the season so that you will never forget it.....ever...for the rest of your life...and beyond....
  3. HAM has a kid receiver Jaelon Acklin, played great tonight, sometimes a prospect has a certain look that makes a fan think he's going to be a player. He has it. Fans have been known to be wrong occaisonally too.
  4. HAM leaves most of the vets at home. QB Dane Evans gets the rock. New batch of receivers auditioning.
  5. What's the deal with Dan Clark. Priders went ape over how the media supposedly over exaggerated his car crash. But has the guy even put on a helmet yet?
  6. He was brought in for veteran leadership not flashy stats.
  7. How soon does somebody throw dice and make Streveler their starter ?
  8. Way to flip that coin and pat self on back. You had a 50- 50 chance of being right, Herb And if the league had found an owner you would have called it a "surprising development" with zero admission of being wrong and quickly moved on to what is "troubling" about said owner. CFL fans should be thankful for old school print reporters who still find the league interesting, I suppose but often he comes across as a bitchy negatron so common in the industry. Just sayin
  9. Yesterday. " What is with with you idiots and guns? You don't need lethal force " Today . "What is with you idiots and non lethal force"? Same people.
  10. Hamilton is a youngish crowd. Montreal is a very noticeably young crowd. Cheapest beers in the East last year. When Als stop sucking attendance will improve.
  11. Uncovering the truth and demanding transparency is now a "show trial". Those once demanding answers from their government now want secrecy from the same. The figures involved should be stampeding to testify since their motives were so pure and the evidence so clear and damning. Weird how they're now scurrying like mice.
  12. To counter districts that have been purposely flooded with illegal immigrants and allowing them to vote despite lack of citizenship? Seems fair.
  13. Of course they never say open borders. They simply want to abolish, curtail or weaken every measure that controls borders and immigration. Can't convince voters and stay in power? No worries, just import new voters and if anyone complains condemn them as racist.
  14. Sure Castillo has experience but does he have the "leadership" k/ps now need.?
  15. HAM unexpectedly gets OL Ryker Matthews back from an NFL try. Nice.
  16. They want to lead and inspire a nation on, as of today, Trump is bad, late term abortions are fine, various and sundry identity politics , open borders, job killing globalism, higher taxes. Let the good times roll.
  17. Wrong. He was the progressives great white hope to take down Trump for months. Interviewed on CNN over 100 times, called him "presidential timber". Ditto MSNBC. Aggressive anti trump rhetoric and the porn star lawsuit's potential to humiliate Trump was like catnip for that crowd. Couldn't resist. Zero scrutiny. After all that free advertising the same people are playing the victim. Shameless.
  18. Jeff Matthews couldn't find his arse if you drew him a map.
  19. Now do the US leftist anti oil environmental lobby groups that Alberta NDP gave food and shelter to and whose influence the CBC, Edmonton Journal etc yawned at or ignored and gave microphone to the entire time they were in office.
  20. Iirc just the sanctions involving nuclear energy tech. Drove Israel and the Bolton crowd bananas .
  21. US has had pretty stiff sanctions in place since 1979. Lots of bargaining there if both sides were serious.
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