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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. No tears here. Thought his offense was too easy to defend against. Consistently shut down by quality defenses.
  2. Tariffs can be seen multiple ways but tax cuts are a surefire winner for bread and butter voters. Raising taxes and "green energy fees" ? not so much.
  3. His overall approval ratings are respectable but his poll numbers on handling the economy are excellent.... So he'll be campaigning on a strong economy and challenging the Democrats and their job killing policies and how they could possibly make American lives better than they are now. Good luck with all that when they keep giving the microphone to socialists in their ranks.
  4. Collusion Truthers and his other various enemies have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at him hoping it changes minds. It hasn't worked . All it accomplishes is to further entrench the divide. The endless repetition of "Orange man bad" didnt work then and won't work now whether it's half baked conspiracy theories or 30 year old tax returns . People see Trump as protection from job killing tax and spend liberals ,leftists and globalists The election will be over the economy and a general sense of well being and security. Democrats, the party of tax hikes, big government and identity politics not to mention being dragged further to the left by the marxist fringe are scarcely equipped to win this .
  5. Right because voters really punished Trump over his ethics in 2016.
  6. The Fauxcohontas thing isn't going away. She gamed the affirmative action system by checking off the native American box on applications to further her career. Which speaks to her ethics etc. It will be brought up again by Democrats never mind POTUS. Immaterial anyway it's going to be Biden after the DNC crushes Sanders like they did last time around.
  7. When a politician says dumb things and outright incorrect things it's going to get called out and ridiculed to varying degrees. It's the norm we all agreed to because we all participate in it. Either stop virtue signalling or stop participating. Can't do both.
  8. Former Obama aid, Gregory Craig.
  9. Re Norman Case. If not an impending election Liberals would have been more than happy for this guy to go to jail for nothing and their business cronies rewarded. Case was dropped to avoid a scandal. Full stop. RCMP, nothing to see here, folks, move along. Canada's judiciary is now riddled with liberals and Liberals. This country is a corrupt joke.
  10. Sol signs for 160. Great sign, Brendan, I mean Jeremy.
  11. Also assumes readers want or care about his woke social commentary which he shoe-horns into his stories every chance he gets. Nothing worse than a sports reporter with frustrated dreams of being a "serious" journalist.
  12. Sol to RIders. A Taman signing without the Taman.
  13. In a US politics thread weird how nobody mentioned..... From a Freedom of Information dig.....Christopher Steele , the Clinton paid-for spy, admitted he was put on a pre election day deadline to provide something that could be presented to FISA court. FBI then tried to classify this. Until 2041. Funny how Mueller was so uncurious about this. Surely a simple explanation is forthcoming.
  14. Alex Green. HAM loaded up at RB so its not that surprising. He has quality. Cappiciotti. Too expensive for what he does which isn't much. Whitlock. Does many things none particularly well.
  15. Waiting for CNN to ask the correlating question to the same number of defense attorneys. Be patient. This may take awhile.
  16. The Leftist Paranoid Fantasy List, i believe , is as follows,,, Trump will declare martial law Declare himself president for life scrap elections at every level, invade Cuba, Canada, Mexico and Sweden . Gays, Trans, gay-trans, non binaries etc. Thrown in camps. Women made into baby factories Handmaiden style. Use Twitter too much. Please feel free to add anything missed.
  17. When Trump won the nomination a long list of wealthy and influential Republicans drew up an actual manifesto telling people why they won't support Trump and why other republicans shouldn't either. Numerous prominent conservative columnists announced they will leave the party and their magazines made it their mission to criticize his every move. Name on instance Democrats or Liberals did anything close to this. To say Republicans are a monolith is ridiculous.
  18. Then you should be wondering why Mueller never cited the supposed legal precedents preventing charges and what was stopping him from stating the explicit crimes of collusion and obstruction and being also explicit why he couldn't recommend charges. He didn't because he couldnt because there was no crime. Mueller settled for passive aggressive innuendo because he had nothing else.
  19. Yeah, it's as if MSM has vested interests in ignoring stories or something.
  20. It was, like other "bombshell" stories derived from illegal leaks, slowly but consistently for over two years to create the impression Trump was a dead man walking. Which is why Truthers were so crushed the Mueller report rolled snake eyes. You thought you had it in the bag. This what Barr will investigate and why people are scared.
  21. It's "unusual " when it's part of a directed campaign to either undermine or destroy a political enemy. Not to investigate a crime. There was no crime and they knew it. This was the legal and intelligence apparatus used for partisan political pur poses not legal ones. It's ugly and more than a little scary.
  22. More like investigate corruption in FBI and DOJ which Barr is supposedly doing right now. Which may well explain Democrat freak out on Barr. He has to be discredited. Lots of people in the party, and media are terrified in being revealed as go betweens with crooks in FBI and DOJ to leak fake "bombshell" and "walls are closing in" stories to create Trump collusion illusion.
  23. NYT reveals Obama FBI hired foreign national posing as an assistant to spy on Trump campaign aid in 2016. Weeks after FBI chief Comey said "I have no idea what he's talking about" to FBI spying charges from POTUS. Ruh, roh. Walls closing in.
  24. With so many slam dunks in the report you gotta wonder about Mueller. Why no recommendations for indictments Did the Russians buy him too? Launch the investigation. The resistance starts here and now.
  25. Uninspiring is the least of it. They won't take the microphone away from the lunatic fringe and that's what will cost them an election.
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