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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Democrats are still trying to find a way for impeachment not to look like a partisan smear job to embarrass a hated opponent after crapping out on Mueller report. They know the longer they wait the more cynical it looks and how ,,in the end, it will just entrench the political divide anyway. Meanwhile they have to campaign with a career nothing like Biden or socialist Sanders. It isn't a happy or confident party by any stretch of the imagination.
  2. Trump won the election and is in the White House as President. He was supposed to be a traitor and removed. He wasnt and he's not. and you are still where you are doing what you do . These are facts.
  3. One most certainly can because no matter how the investigation was conducted what matters is the result. The result was no collusion, no obstruction. Even with the deck stacked against him. Which goes along way in explaining the resulting hysteria and anger.
  4. Finding corruption was never the aim of the investigation. They are crumbs compared to the main course which was collusion. Truthers got no satisfaction from it. They wanted Trump's scalp and failed. They are sad, angry and lashing out in all directions looking for a new scandal to pin hopes on.
  5. Yes, it's the desire for white supremacy to point out a sham investigation meant to undermine and embarrass a presidency out of anger because the preferred candidate of leftists,,career trough feeders ,fashionable media and Hollywood ran a horrible campaign and lost an election that was promised to her. Your reality is as asinine as your fantasies.
  6. It sucks when a wish doesn't come true but you have let it go.
  7. Except Nixon, unlike Trump, was never accused of treason which would have led to legal removal from office and not a rap on the knuckles like impeachment.
  8. So instead of cheerleading "the walls are closing in " for over two years why weren't you angry that no criminal charges would be forthcoming and the whole thing was a waste of time? You didn't because the leftist fantasy was the election would be nullified and Trump in handcuffs .
  9. Absolutely, positively nothing stopping an indictment of treason and obstruction of that. Which is what the investigation was based on. For almost three years it was tried and it failed from lack of evidence. It did not happen
  10. Stop passing off partisan wish fullfilament as evidence because you're angry at an election result. You wanted the Mueller report and you got it. No collusion, no obstruction. You need to accept that you were wrong .
  11. Again, if there exists slam dunk evidence why hasn't Trump been indicted. Get angry at Mueller and FBI not Barr. Occams Razor holds up over time very well too.
  12. According to who exactly? Certainly not Mueller he agreed with Barr s summation. 1. Mueller is incompetent or compromised 2. There is some kind of cover up somewhere even though report was released in full in the time allowed with the full cooperation of the author. Pick one.
  13. Absolute rubbish. Dossier over time has become increasingly dubious by the people who staked every collusion theory on it. Have either backed off completely or wont go near it anymore. Like the collusion theory in general it's dead and only hardcore Truthers on the internet still cling to it.
  14. Report showed no collusion or obstruction or charges would have been recommended. If one is upset by that then blame Mueller not Barr.
  15. What gaslighting. Even the un redacted report still had Collusion Truthers screeching the report revealed proof of collusion and obstruction.
  16. Remember all the media outrage over Obama AG Eric Holder refusing to hand over documents to congress and then cited for contempt and calling himself Obama s "wing man". Yeah, me neither.
  17. Shows how small the Mueller report has gotten....from alleged treason to a squabble over a summary of a report that was released in full.
  18. If there are then they are moral cowards and still a minority among their fellow idealogues nd even more a minority in the public in general.
  19. Simple. They refused to cover the trial. Ignored and or ridiculed the movie. Near limitless , no questions asked abortion has replaced legal but rare as a new sacred cow for the left. So any real life events that shame this needs to be strategized against, in tthe Gosnell case, give as little attention to it as possible. And they did.
  20. Movie based on the Gosnell crimes and trial. Leftists and media sympathizers wanted the case out of the public consciousness as fast as humanly possible. And if they weren't shamed into acknowlodging what actually happened by non MSN and social media they would have skipped the entire case completely.
  21. National media did not cover it. They reported the verdict and thats it. The media gallery throughout the trial,was ,largely empty. Home town Washington Post rationalized the avoidance of coverage of 50 people murdered as just a "local crime story". Facebook banned advertising for the movie, much of media refused to review it, could go on and on but you get the idea.
  22. Except extreme late term and post birth abortions do happen as the Gosnell case showed, which media willfully hid from, there are Democrat policy makers, who promised to legalize infanticide if doctor and mother agreed. So who exactly is living in a "fantastic " dream world of violence?
  23. Even with the hysterical headline the Washington post article actually says Mueller agreed with Barr s assessment and his misgivings was with media reports not Barr. The chasm between Collusion Truthers/ partisan media's wish fulfillment and reality is breathtaking. Angry that Mueller couldn't take down Trump now they've moved on to Barr with even less evidence.
  24. Federal Liberals and Elections Canada were made aware of illegal campaign contributions by SNC employees 3 years ago. In that time they have done nothing and hid report from media. Sunny ways.
  25. Naylor sez Riders and Cats have inside track on Sol. Riders sign. "Look out world here we come". Riders don't sign: "Meh, he's old , don't need him anyway"
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