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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Because it's the same partisan, paranoid school of thought. Begin with a conclusion, ignore findings as part of a "coverup", see absence of evidence as proof of how good conspiracy was carried out.
  2. No, but unless you can tell me the report found collusion and obstruction of same and recommend proceeding with criminal charges please link me the pages.
  3. Waited a day. Modern media's first take is always wrong . But my prediction was 100% accurate. Collusion-Truthers have entered full blown batcave conspiracy. Like JFK and 911 etc they wallow in group think. Find comfort there. "The evidence is so obvious...why don't people see it!!!!" Is the common reaction. No collusion, no obstruction. Almost 3 years to find it. Couldn't do it. Even corrupt, biased beurocrats who schemed to find something couldn't find ANYTHING . Game over in the real world. Truthers don't live in the real world however.
  4. Old : Trump is a Russian spy who will be convicted and removed from office for treason. Walls are closing in. Tick, Tick, Tick. Just a matter of time. New : There's probably maybe the appearance of Trump somewhere in the report trying to obstruct which is kinda sorta proof of old .
  5. Prediction: For Collusion-Truthers the release of the report will be the "burning jet fuel doesn't melt steel" "second shooter on the grassy knoll" moment. No answer will satisfy, any redaction is proof of a cover up. No evidence is evidence of a conspiracy.
  6. Now do Thomas Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, Donald Sussman, James Simons, George Soros and Democrats.
  7. Fun fact. Stop having your picture taken with radicals calling for Israel's destruction and , maybe, the "misunderstood" strategy for dodging anti semite charges can get some traction.
  8. He is guilty of winning an election. It wasn't supposed to happen. Media, cultural elites, career bureaucrats, globalist plutocrats, liberals in general went all in for a Hillary presidency. They weild power and they know it. They expect and demand favorable results. Best believe it's war for them now. ..they use the same terminology..."resistance" etc.
  9. For a province not called Ontario or Quebec the CBC is taking an unusually keen interest in a provincial election. A rooting interest if you will.
  10. Thanks for the insight Neil... Now do communists, marxists, trotskyites, syndicalists, anarachists, antifa, Sikh terrorists and their default political parties of choice.
  11. The charges stem from the Mueller investigation.
  12. Greg Craig who served as top lawyer in Obama administration was charged yesterday with lying and concealing about his foreign collusion with the government of Ukraine.
  13. When your very own national cheerleader, Toronto Star, raises eyebrows, man, you've lost the room.
  14. Subsidizing a company that made 3 billion last year. Helluva week Liberals. And it's only Wednesday.
  15. Two NDP MLAs have outstanding sexual,misconduct cases pending...as long as we are keeping score.
  16. 6 months before an election you want a story to fade away ...then you throw a potential lawsuit into the mix...you're not giving a story more oxygen..you're pumping it full of steroids. You are so dumb, Liberals.
  17. "Lying to Canadians" Feb 7 2019 the day after the Globe first broke the story. Trudeau said the story was untrue and there was no basis to it. Later he claimed not know JWR had concerns which he was later forced to distort to a difference in "experience". Lying politicians is not new...but it still needs to be pointed out....Justin Trudeau is a liar.
  18. Yup. And you wouldn't believe the complaining from people just looking to try and score anti-Ford Pokémon points. This move hurts absolutely no one.
  19. So Bernie wants to "keep America white" too ?
  20. "What we need is comprehensive immigration reform. If you open the borders, my God, there's a lot of poverty in this world and you're going to have people from all over the world and I don't think that's something we can do at this point. Can't do it " Bernie Sanders, socialist, 2019
  21. "Socialism is about making the right choices- together. Like how much water and electricity a person deserves."
  22. Is Australian. Played Aussie Rules Football. CFL fans don't know this. Thankfully, Rod Black, has tried to correct this oversight. But will we listen?
  23. No, you don't or we wouldn't be having this exchange.
  24. There's a lot I could suggest to you but if you could read only on thing read up on The German Labour Front. When you are done..from that moment on..you will never say with a straight face Nazi Germany wasn't soicialist. Ever.
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