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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Because they were. Ignorance of this by people who use "Nazi" as a sword to bully and stifle dissent is no defense. People using Nazi rhetoric and props thinking they are defending the idea of personal liberty pattriotism or culture is equally, ,if not more, ignorant.
  2. Pay isnt the ultimate measure though. Massive difference in entitlements , incentives, perks , job security in public vs private sector. Public sector unions fight like grim death verses any claw backs. ..private sector ? oh well, rotten luck, learn to code etc.
  3. I can (but seldom) respect a United supporter my own or age or older because they would have a living memory of when they were relegated in the 70s. It's the "isn't this the way it's always been?" type I especially " hate". Dishonorable Mention. No problem with Liverpool permanently honoring the Hillsboro thing but they also can't overlook their fans were amongst the biggest douchebags in english football even by 1970s douchebag football fan standards....but they brush it off. It was them that got England booted out of Europe after the Belgium thing in the 80s. Point values. Celtic at 100. Leafs at 90. Riders 75. Rest are 10-50 range.
  4. . Leafs. When they are eliminated, usually first round, announcers then start talking about GTA born players on remaining teams and how they grew up watching Dougie, Wendell, something, something maybe somebody Leafs would be interested in free agency. Celtic. Glasgow not Boston. Could go on for hours but I would end up banned. Riders. A smattering of success turns some people into smug arseholes, I guess Cubs. Fans would be Rider fans if the neighbourhood around Mosaic became hipster-dooferized and jacked up prices but still tried to claim authenticity to old-time sports... brick wall, ivy, something, something. Manchester United. The Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Honda Civic of English football. Italy, Portugal at Euro, WC time,
  5. Nazis were not far right. They were leftist. The Nazi state permeated every aspect of one's life. Freedom and self worth was not measured by the success and happiness of the individual but how they well they served the Fatherland and race. In other words. ..the collective...Classic hallmarks of the far left
  6. Nazis. As in Natonal Socialism As in the National Socialist Workers Party. It's the second word in the name of their party for pitys sake.
  7. Unnamed leakers to a receptive media hyping unspecified charges of obstructing an investigation into crime the very report they were working on said there was nothing to proceed on. Blimey, talk about Plan C.
  8. If it was dishonestly articulated why has Mueller said nothing ? Again, if Mueller is corrupt or somehow being silenced then the #Resistance has to put its cards on the table as such.
  9. Which system affords the most effective opportunities to get OUT of poverty. Hint, it's not the one with famines and gulags.
  10. Temporary economic depressions in democracies with free market capitalism are not the equivalent of socialism induced miseries which last as long socialists are in power.
  11. Mueller concluded the investigation. No collusion . No recommendations of charges of same. One can either retain the faith they had in Mueller over the past 2 and half years or say he's corrupt and/ or been silenced. Can't have both. If it's the second option one chooses you can't just say it without evidence and proof. That is the very definition of a conspiracy theory.
  12. Any Trump collusion story you post can be be matched story for story that can refute it or at the very least provide healthy skepticism. Because you don't like it or accept it doesn't make it a lie. If you want credibility or persuade people this is a poor way to go about it.
  13. No Colluison. That narrative is lost. #Resistance is going to gin up a new one anynday now. So why not wait for that instead of desperate ad hominem attacks ?
  14. The endless battle cry of the socialist. "But its never been tried." "So ignore all the economic collapes, the shortages, the breadlines, suppression of personal liberties, the labour camps, one party systems....this time we're gonna get it right."
  15. Mueller finished the investigation . Its over. There was no collusion and no forthcoming charges on same. #RESISTANCE banked everything on this and lost and now they're clinging to a a new narrative to keep their fantasy alive.
  16. Mueller, the man #Resistance pinned their hopes on and defended when he was criticized for taking so long and expanding investigation beyond collusion said there was no collusion. So why, all,of a sudden, aren't THEY accepting his conclusion ? Can't have it both ways. All for transperancy. Let's find out how and why phoney Fusion GPS intelligence from a spy in the employ of a Russian oligarchy got so much credence. How were warrants and wiretaps obtained on such tainted and bogus evidence. Why and how the recommended criminal charges on the destroyed Clinton emails were ignored at the same time. Partisan, corrupt, incompetent officials leaking stories to a compliant media eager to advance the narrative but not to scruntize . You want transperancy? Then let's find out EVERYTHING .
  17. You'd think after three years of corporate, partisan media leaking unnamed, un corroborated allegations shown later to be lies people would be at least a little more skeptical this time around. Collusion is their white whale.
  18. Came across a very old TV advert for "Gondola Pizza". A special place in the hearts of Manitobans or just another pizza joint ?
  19. "Collusion-Truthers will latch onto anything to prolong the fairy tale . They're too emotionally invested to give up. It's like a doomsday cult"
  20. Removing socialists from power is never, ever worse than leaving them in. They foul every thing they touch. They don't how to create wealth and ***** what prosperity already exists. They prefer only to tear it down and hold it back. They despise and mistrust personal freedom over the collective because it opposes them and repeadetly proves them wrong over time and they know it. At best socialism is just another discredited system. At worst it is a lethal socio-political cult of thought.
  21. Yes Dunnigan was dinged. But he was always going to start. Legend said it was practically a last minute decision. Not true.
  22. Disciplined on some level I should think.
  23. Pro Trump being the majority was never stated. Obviously there is more than enough support there that Trump feels comfortable for repeated interactions. Those interactions have been clearly a political plus for him.
  24. I'm not not doubting your anecdotal un corroborated story at all. However, the conclusion you drew from it is incorrect.
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