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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Not attacking you. Your assertion was incorrect. That's all.
  2. With annecdotal evidence you asserted the US armed forces hates Trump. That assertion is wrong for reasons I explained.
  3. So in other words the US armed forces is just like society at large. Lots of people with lots of different views and opinions. To assert "hatred" of Trump is the prevailing viewpoint is absolutely false.
  4. Ignorance isn't an insult it's an adjective. Trumps visit to Iraq late last year was such a success that rather than admit Trump plays well to the military the usual partisan media suspects fretted he was "politicizing" the armed forces. CNN wondered aloud if soldiers could be punished for wearing MA GA hats.
  5. Absolute rubbish. Trump sees the military as part of his base. Speeches to members and visits to bases are firmly in his playbook from the beginning. His enthusiastic receptions keep it there. Astonishing ignorance on your part.
  6. Rockets first return of the game went for 80 yards and he fumbled . Also... the legend of the heroic Dunnigan being hurt and doubtful for the game and summoning the courage to play was vastly overblown. Sports mythmaking is fun but Dunnigan was always going to start. LLoyd Fairbanks OL Calgary. 16 year career and one and only Cup appearance. Hopes rested on Danny Barrett. Poor guy.
  7. Just say "drain the swamp" of people like him in their government and ours. P.S. McCain also skated on the S&L scandal in the 80s. For those old enough to recall those initials. Just sayin.
  8. McCain was "on the right" like Trudeau is a "feminist". A-Political swamp creature if there ever was one.
  9. McCain was a career self aggrandizing politician of the first degree. An open borders globalist. Faithful servant of the multinationals and arms industry. Never saw a region where armed intervention wasn't the first choice. Signed off and beat the drum for both Iraq wars and Afghanistan debacles. Begged for war with Iran and Russia. Ignored his constiuency repeatedly on immigration to side with the corporate americas desire for cheap labour. The very sort of pig at the trough politician that has destroyed people's confidence in government . Other than that...
  10. Not outraged in the slightest. Honestly amusing to see progressives panic and turn on each other ,devour with self contradiction. It is and should be pointed out. Left has always been their own worst enemy .
  11. Can you still call yourself a feminist if you fire a female subordinate for standing up to you and the group of other men you surrounded yourself with who told you to shut up and toe the line? Need a ruling here.
  12. You never laughed. Not once.
  13. Point was made earlier. Political enemies are to be crucified with sexual/identity politics under the guise of "social justice." One of their own? , hey, relax that's how Biden is, he's just a little handsy that's all. Move along. Larger point. Progressives can't swing that hammer anymore if they let Biden slide like they did Northam. An own-goal.
  14. If Dems didn't force Northam out no way they're going to sacrifice Biden on the altar. Biden is one of a few in the party that stands in the way of whack job leftists in the party hijacking the 2020 race and scaring away votes. A centrist looking Biden is an attractive option to those in the party serious about winning in 2020.
  15. If one believes the NYT, and I'm guessing you're inclined to, he has a plan drafted for 2020 and the only thing missing is an official announcement. Biden will not drop out, party will not pressure him, he will ride it out and take his chances. Again, there is a new standard at play now.
  16. He's not a heartbeat away from announcing candidacy?
  17. Seriously going with this?
  18. Under the old standard, which progressives invented and were proud of, was a public shaming, to apologize, beg forgiveness, resign, quit or drop out of whatever position you held or sought. New standard, thanks to same progressives, rationalize, apologize with taking little or no responsibility then simply ride it out and forget it ever happened.
  19. Irony is its supposedly Sanders , the white knight of US leftists, is responsible for putting these women and their stories in front of the cameras.
  20. Franken must be kicking himself. Judging by Northam s choice , and his Attorney General, for example all you have to do is wait it out .. No doubt Biden will take that path now aswell. Problem is any perceived enemy of progressives will also use this tactic. Progressives use of sexual and identity politics to crush opposition in the name of "social justice" is now gone. And , as usual, they did it to themselves.
  21. U.S. Liberals : (enemy 's name here) is a degenerate sexual predator. Women must be believed and heard.There is no debate. He must resign , drop,out quit etc.now. Also U.S. Liberals : Biden? That was only one accusation, oh ,it's two now? Meh, it's just the way he says hello, whatevs.
  22. Liberals: Without drastic immediate action our climate will be doomed within a decade. Also Liberals. 5 cents more for gas? Pfft relax it's nothing..you want notice it.
  23. Liberals: Women must be in positions of power. To be heard. To be believed. Also Liberals: Throw the rats overboard.
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